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RE: → America's Border Horror Stories

in #link7 years ago

Of course the false premise is that this is somehow new or different from what came before. A lot of the problem is that Obama created a policy where any child who came alone got amnesty, so they started sending their kids by themselves. Of the 12,000 in temporary custody right now 10,000 were kids who showed up by themselves. We take them in and feed clothe and house them and give them medical care. What are we doing wrong?


We take them in and feed clothe and house them and give them medical care. What are we doing wrong?

I give you a hint: Human children are not animals to put in a zoo. And even there those conditions would violate animal protection laws.


There are no laws that require children to be separated from their parents, or that call for criminal prosecutions of all undocumented border crossers. Those practices were established by the Trump administration.

source: Listen to Children Who’ve Just Been Separated From Their Parents at the Border

Anyway, it doesn't matter under which president ist started. If it started under Obama, then it has gone on for a whole fucking year in which Trump did nothing to stop it. And since he is so interested in the border he did now about it and didn't give a shit about those children.

It's not a zoo until reporters and politicians insist on going there to stare at the kids and take selfies. Anyhow you didn't say what exactly was wrong with the conditions, you just inaccurately characterized them as zoos.

So let me get this right, there are laws criminalizing illegal border crossing but you think the president should not enforce them?

Where can you go and be arrested with your kids and not be separated from them when they put you in jail?

You are a good student of Trump. Nitpicking instead of defending what you do with arguments and using the point that is ritizised as a reason.

So let me ask you again:

Do you think it is morally okay to put children into cages that are identical to those in zoos with conditions that would be illegal for "normal" prisoners (at least in civilized countries, I don't know about the US) for the reasons that someone else did something that should not be illegal?

I am still waiting on you to tell me exactly what conditions would be illegal, these children, many of whom were set alone atop trains by the people who are supposed to care about them, are being kept in more than adequate and humane conditions. What's the illegal part?

I give you a little hint:

Every time Trump goes: But Obama!... he is either
A) lying or
B) trying to divert attention from his doings

But the point is not what happened in history. That may be interesting for historians and you may learn for it.
But problems today are far more important. And if they are started by someone else in the back, that is interesting, but not of interest. Of interest is who did not solve the problems today.

The Afghan war was started by Bush. Bad.
It was continued by Obama. Bad.
It is still continued by Trump. Bad.

But there is only one of those that can end this war, and that one is the person we should look at, right? If I say "Trump, why you don't stop that war", and he says "But Obama!", then he is trying to divert the attention away from the fact that he could have been doing somethign and didn't.

btw. Just a few weeks ago I learned about the name of this tactic.

Whataboutism (also known as whataboutery) is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument, which is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda. When criticisms were leveled at the Soviet Union during the Cold War, the Soviet response would be "What about..." followed by an event in the Western world.
The term "whataboutery" has been used in Britain and Ireland since the period of the Troubles (conflict) in Northern Ireland. Lexicographers date the first appearance of the variant whataboutism to the 1990s or 1970s, while other historians state that during the Cold War, Western officials referred to the Soviet propaganda strategy by that term.

without directly refuting or disproving their argument, that part is important

It is.

So if I say that are cages like in a zoo, and you are saying "What happens with your kids when you are arrested" then you
A) neither disprove my point
B) nor defending your position that this is okay.

Actually I said that modern zoos don't have cages and that neither are these temporary holding facilities cages, despite the fact they have chain-link fencing in some locations.

If it looks like a cage, is build like a cage and is used to cage people in, then it is a cage.

I don't know why so many people cry foul at that word.

If I drop an big explosive something on you, it is a bomb, even if the military likes to call it propelled shell, autonomous neutralization device or whatever.

That's funny, you are not using the word "cage" with a negative connotation?
The reason that word has become important is because we have the media pushing a totally false narrative that the president said that immigrants are "animals", that is why the word "cage" is important. I have chain-link fence in my backyard, is it a cage?

C) The media is using pictures from the Obama admin to try to denigrate Trump and to divert attention from more important things.

It doesn't matter if the pictures are from the cages today or from the same cages 2 years ago.
Not that I have seen any border detention official saying that that these pictures are old.

Where would you see that? Would the MSM play such a video if there was one?
It matters because you didn't give a shit two years ago but you claim you do now.

This is not a left or right issue. If this started under Obama, then he is equally to blame. This finger pointing at meant to distract us and get us fighting amongst ourselves. I do not like either political party in Washington and consider them both completely corrupt, both likely controlled (or highly influenced) by the same old boy network, both basically the same. I mention Drumpf in the post because this is coming out under his watch, but I would be equally appalled if this news were coming out under a Democrat. I don't care which side is in office: they are both corrupt.

I don't know what the solution is, nor do I claim to. All I know is separating kids from their parents is not right, regardless of whether the parents are breaking the law or not.

Indeed, this manufactured crisis is mostly to distract us from the IG testifying in congress. It funny because I was trying to sound the alarm during the Obama administration. Basically the Obama policy was a gift to the private prison industry, he created policies in order to create a large population of detainees for private detention centers. Those kids are cash cows, some of them are worth $1000 a day. That's how much the government pays to house some of them.
I know what the solution is, end the Obama policy that said that all unaccompanied minors get amnesty and then they will stop sending 10,000 unaccompanied minors.

The solution is to enforce the laws. If you don't like the laws then the solution is to change them but the solution is never to not enforce the laws.

It's not right but it is also not out fault, the blame for the separations is the criminals who put their kids in that situation. When a rapist gets busted nobody complains that his kids are separated from him when he goes to jail. Don't do the crime if you don't want to be separated from your kids.

2/3 of the people in American prisons have kids, and all of them are separated from their kids, that's what happens when you commit a crime.