A True Story

in #literature6 years ago

Written in the second century AD, A True Story is satirical science-fiction novel that was waaay ahead of its time. The novel was written by Lucian of Samosata, an Assyrian-Greek author as a satire of mythical tales and is the first known work to contain sci-fi themes like space travel .

Presented as an outright lie, in opposition to many of the outlandish classical legends he was lampooning, the story also featured aliens from other worlds, as well as space wars. In the book, the author and his companions are sailing out past Pillars of Hercules at the mouth of the Mediterranean when their ship is blown off course in a storm. They find an enchanted island with a river of flowing wine and are then funneled by a whirlwind to the moon, where bizzare aliens are waging war over the King of the Moon's plans to colonize the Sun.

After the King of the Sun's forces block out all light from reaching the moon, The Moon King capitulates and a truce is reached. With peace established, Lucian then expounds on daily Lunar life, before the travelers return to Earth and are promptly swallowed by a whale. They defeat the whale and the strange fish people that inhabit its belly, and eventually come to the mythical Isle of the Blessed. Hre they encounter both Homer and his characters and also discover that certain authors are undergoing permanent punishment for telling lies and fables, including the historian Herodotus.

The adventures continue through strange new lands until Lucian cuts his story short and swears that the tale will be picked up again in the next installment. But as he warned at the very beginning, the whole tale is a lie, and so was the final promise - no further texts were written.


Wow, that book must have been way ahead of it's time. That ending is funny. It's all a lie! Haha I wonder if him not writing another book made his fans a little angry or disappointed?

He kind of reminds me of R. R. Martin and the last Game of Thrones installment that will never happen.

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Grrr.. I read all those books, it was years ago now. If he ever actually does come out with another one, I won't even remember what happened before, and would have to reread the whole series. Something about Pate, or a series of Pates....

Yeah that's frustrating. Well at least there is the HBO series. It's a great show and the story is scheduled to end in April. Hopefully you can get satisfaction out of that. I know some people who read the books dont like the show but I really enjoy it. I think it's well done. Plus like I said, you get to find out how it ends lol

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This post is a wonderful one,I think I have completed this post.It's about writing an old history.

I was at fist thinking this must be an ancient story but just for me to find out that it might be a lie tale but it is still great