Bright light, loud boom, and my house shaking. I just found out a meteor hit about 36 miles away from my house. touched dow near Mt. Clemens, and triggereed a 2.0 earthquakel. Pretty exciting stuff, it's not everyday this happen so i wanted to let every one know. Who ever finds a piece can make some money.
Video capture.
Oh yeah, sure. A "meteor". We all know what really happened, it was a government cover up of a UFO crash. Open your eyes, people!
There probably torturing those poor aliens right now.
There are no UFO @tommyinthesun everybody with a brain knows the earth is flat and are the only planet in the univers!
Holy crap. That's awesome! & I hope no one got hurt!
Oh my lord, this is crazy. We’re there any fatalities in this incident?
There are no reports of anyone hurt, and i have not heard anything from freinds or family.
Just think you are walking around afraid of terrorism or nuclear attack and boom cosmos takes out with an intergalactic rock thats had you name on it for millinia.
I was in my garage and felt the garage shake and thought someone was trying to break in. lol
I thought it was constrution on 75.