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RE: You must learn to love yourself first

in #love9 years ago (edited)

Yeah...I also think men having to show masculinity and being targeted for allowing their feelings to exist is a thing of the past...there are those in this world who do not want you to feel any emotion other than fear, but I for one am not subservient to them. I think the energy of this planet is changing, and I would say it is becoming more feminine as in more right brain thinking, more creativity and feeling. I think it is a needed balance and it has been
Prophesized by the native american hopi tribe as the battle of the eagle and the condor. I personally would say we are in the times of a pheonix when it rebirths itself from the flames. The vibration of this planet is rising because of the rise of human consioussness, and it is not a bad thing to have a balance of masculine and feminine energy. Personally I am convinced that 99 % of the population have no idea what love is. They think it has to do with relationships but love is the bquilding block of creation (creativity)