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RE: Heal First, Part III, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #love7 years ago

It takes a fully matured mind to do what you did, but it remain the best to do by anybody. It is better to define it than to keep struggling with it.

It is not funny to be in a relationship with someone you know his or heart does not belong to you. All what he or she would be contributing to the relationship would not be flowing naturally from him or her. Don't let me use the word "FORCE". but it will seems you if you are forcing him or her for everything.

Love is love, never confuse it, and never accept anything less.

Yea, love is love, if you don't find it you can't fake it, a lot are struggling in their relationship because the whole thing was built on infatuation and not love. Infatuation can bring you together, but it takes love to keep you together.

Until two right people find themselves in love, things can never work out.

Can't wait to read the next episode, I'm sure you are strong enough to overcome anything, you are such a rare gem... Lol

But, I would like to hear from the horse's mouth, don't let me guess, I'm not so good at it


I overcame it and it led me to where i am right now. She is still a very good friend and i still talk to her. People move on, it might only take different timing.

Thank you for your kind words. Means a lot.

I know you do, I know about where you are now, but I want to pretend as if I don't so that I would be able to pick the lesson.

Occupying my mind with what I had already known would prevent me from knowing something new. You have shared most of the stories with me, but I still approach them as if I have never come across them, because I want to learn what I missed when you were sharing the story in the first instance.... Smile

I think I am the luckiest