I came to meet you at the club that night, not sure what to expect. We had been talking online for months, but I had been too nervous to meet you in person. Too nervous that you wouldn’t like me in real life and maybe a bit afraid that you wouldn’t be the man I thought you were.
I appreciated your ability to talk through things, chat with me, pay attention to the little things. When we progressed to actual phone conversations, I loved how you made me so comfortable straight away. Your voice became pretty immediately intoxicating to me. Just hearing the way you said my name turned me on.
Our flirting had gotten fairly hot and heavy by the time I finally agreed to meet you in person. You invited me to the club where you played and didn’t say much else.
I took my time getting dressed. We’d been talking for so long, just the thought of seeing you in real life had me on fire.
The thought of your lips on mine, your hands on my body made me feel like I would melt on the spot.
I approached the door of the place and smoothed my dress down, looking over myself in the reflection of the glass door. I let out a breath and thought I was looking pretty damn good. The door opened and a doorman stood there, gesturing me inside.
I stepped in and the music hit me before anything else. It was like a caress, a spark that was going to ignite me. I saw you sitting there in the dim light, but you were like a beacon. The sounds of the grand piano flowing from your fingers, soothing my nerves and drawing me in.
I realized that I was approaching you without even realizing it, like a moth to a flame, or maybe something slightly less deadly, I hope. I smiled what seemed to be a horribly nervous smile and your answering grin made my spirit soar.
Your eyes didn’t leave mine as you finished out the song. I heard your voice over the speakers, that sexy, amazing voice, as you excused yourself for a little break. You came over to me like you couldn’t wait another minute and enveloped me in an embrace that made me feel like I was home.
Standing on my tip toes, I wrapped my arms around your neck, inhaling your scent as we stood there, forgetting the world.
“You came,” you said, pulling back to look at me, your hand sliding a loose strand of hair behind my ear. A gesture that seemed like something so comfortable, so familiar, it was like we’d always known each other.
I’d never felt anything like this before. I was hot for you, absolutely. I wanted you with every fiber of my being. But it was more than that. So much more. You felt like my foundation, my security, my other half. Silly thoughts that I’d always brushed off when I’d heard them in the past, sure that authors or friends were just being tricked or deluded.
Still, there some something so right about you in this moment, your very being resonated with my soul. It felt like music, like our very own song was being created as we stood there, drinking in the sight of each other. And we’d only just begun.
I will say it until someone hears...Someone needs to develop an 'open-novel' chapter contest.
If this is your original work, the writing is quite good for a vote of confidence.
I'm swiftly reminded of how everyday...every second...the desire for 'love' compromises the reality of 'love'. Authentic love has zero to do with the external factors...zero to do with sweet words spoken.
Love is as rare as the most precious of gems, though perpetrated by many grades of faux, costume jewelry.
It's a complex matter of the heart, for a Divine Time, Divine Purpose...always growing us in ways that teach us what Authentic Love genuinely is. 1 Corinthians 13 comes to mind...
Best regards.
Yes, it is my original work. It's just a freewrite, but thank you.
wow! i loves it. it is so deep
Thank you, I guess I was feeling romantic!
Very romantic!
Love was in the air with the piano prompt for some reason. I think I need to go watch La La Land now. Ryan Gosling <3 <3 <3
Yes, I like him too :)
Did you ever see Lars and the real girl?
No I haven't. I suppose I should?
I really liked it and he orders a sex doll for his girlfriend.
So. Many. Feels! And the part about the hair - fuck, yes, spot on. 💚
We all need a little sweetness at times & this delivers!
It's those little things that make such an impact! <3 Thanks for reading, I'm glad you liked it.