Aristotle once said, “to be excellent, we cannot simply think or feel excellent, we must act excellently.” We are constantly growing, changing and learning. The only way to achieve excellence is by trial and error and working hard. Here are 5 habits that can help improve your life.
#1. Have a vision
Set personal goals. This could be related to fitness, health, business or relationship goals. Having a vision to work towards will give your life meaning and purpose. A vision gives you a direction you can go towards to make shit happen!
#2. Commit to showing up
Half the battle is showing up and staying committed.
#3. Live with intensity
Don’t go through life not trying your best to succeed. Hard work ethic and drive will help you lead a colorful and full life that you can be proud of. Time is precious, don’t waste it.
#4. Learn everyday
Develop a growth mindset! This will help you constantly improve and it keeps life interesting. Those who succeed in life, never stop learning. Life is a lesson!
#5. Don’t try to do it alone
No one makes it on their own. Having the support of others will help you succeed and achieve your goals. Steemit is such a good example of how a community can lift you up and make you strong.

Very good tips, always great to see your posts and the view is awesome however scary if some one jump out!!!!
hahhaa that's why I sat my butt down! Don't want to fall off! LOL
Pls dont scare me again by sitting there...I want you to live forever
Aww you are sweet! ❤
what a stunning view, spectacular lights 😘
You certainly have a great set of photos to accompany your articles....another cool post! P.s. If there's a quiz, I'll remember this one had an Aristotle quote😂 Plus I never knew any Aristotle quotes(... warren buffet, yes... but not that guy)!😆
i have writing for you,,read and come to my post,,
poetry love ,, im so miss you so much
LOL! well you are way over due for a quiz.... so maybe this might be the article I quiz you on. hehe! :)
Of course I should have known you would know all about Warren Buffet, that man knows how to make money! hehe
How's your day been? :)
I actually, I'm a bit hazy ... some famous quotes were from him but others weren't - Rockefeller was responsible for one I think😂
Oh, I should have stuck to me original plan and stayed out of the market haha😂.... too much trading and you just get killed by the spread, the fees, and the random chop! Must get my 'bot' implemented soon😆
....then I can quit trading and finally head for the beach😜 ;P
oh yea... those fees are crazy!!! Well at least your not using a Bitcoin ATM to withdraw. LOL have you stared working on your little bot?
Um yes. the beach sounds amazing! Take me with you! 😆
Hehe.. 😂
is my created,, you like it..??
i hope you like
im from indonesia,,
i has follow you good boy,,
please follow me hehehe
because i need your help,,
my friend say, you are good boy
different with the other
OMGGG!!!! Jon Snow was saved by crazy red hair lady! yay!!!!!!!! :)
Yep.... lives on to -
fightbe ponderous - another day😂hehehehe I feel better. I mean that's sooo cruel to kill Jon Snow. He's like the main dude. But then again everyone good always dies. UGH!
Quite a lot of bad people die also I think you'll😂
hi, do not you want to see my article, he ,, he ,, he @xaero1
Hhahha evwryone dies!! I'm surprised that the show lasted 7 seasons with the amount of dead people. lol
OMGGGG!!! I just hit 1000 followers. HEHE gave you a shout out on my post about it, and I just wanted to personally come thank you for all of your support and advice and friendship and being awesome sauce! :) Thank you 01! HUGS
hey 01, haven't heard from ya in over a week! Hope all is well and that you have retired to a beach :)
whats up chicken butt? Hope your day is going great! :)
Nah.... 'China banned bitcoin again'😱
Heh.. funny . But actually, someone in china only needs to print such a story even if false and they can literally make millions/billions by shorting the market!..and making everyone else (inc. me!) lose!😭 Lol/sigh!
Here's the cult video on Reddit....Aplogies though: they're doing a silly chinese accent impression.
But pretty funny, even so? :-)
Hahaha omg the shitty Asian accent is da best! 😂😂😂😂 well I'm sure the market will bounce back . It always does! Just have to hold on to your coins. 😝
Btw did you see my backpacking blog... hahaha I thought you might laugh at the experience. A bit silly. :) plan on making a couple of more posts today... pop quiz later 😝🤓🤣
All the tips are extremely important and for me, showing up and staying committed to your goal is extremely important. It makes you stand up for yourself and move forward. Standing up once and then consistently working towards your vision is exactly what helps you actualize it. Great post! :)
aww thanks for stopping by! :) Thanks for the awesome comment. Keep steeming hot!
Your excellence comes from bending the rules, sometimes. Such as throwing the corn.
Hahah 😂😂😂 your comment made me smile! Thanks for that.
I'm glad. Maybe that should be added to the list of habits. Have a good time as you strive for excellence. Have a good day.