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RE: ❤️ 5 ways to improve your life ❤️

in #love7 years ago (edited)

You certainly have a great set of photos to accompany your articles....another cool post! P.s. If there's a quiz, I'll remember this one had an Aristotle quote😂 Plus I never knew any Aristotle quotes(... warren buffet, yes... but not that guy)!😆


i have writing for you,,read and come to my post,,
poetry love ,, im so miss you so much

LOL! well you are way over due for a quiz.... so maybe this might be the article I quiz you on. hehe! :)

Of course I should have known you would know all about Warren Buffet, that man knows how to make money! hehe

How's your day been? :)

I actually, I'm a bit hazy ... some famous quotes were from him but others weren't - Rockefeller was responsible for one I think😂

Oh, I should have stuck to me original plan and stayed out of the market haha😂.... too much trading and you just get killed by the spread, the fees, and the random chop! Must get my 'bot' implemented soon😆
....then I can quit trading and finally head for the beach😜 ;P

oh yea... those fees are crazy!!! Well at least your not using a Bitcoin ATM to withdraw. LOL have you stared working on your little bot?

Um yes. the beach sounds amazing! Take me with you! 😆

Hehe.. 😂

is my created,, you like it..??
i hope you like

im from indonesia,,
i has follow you good boy,,
please follow me hehehe
because i need your help,,
my friend say, you are good boy
different with the other

OMGGG!!!! Jon Snow was saved by crazy red hair lady! yay!!!!!!!! :)

Yep.... lives on to - fight be ponderous - another day😂

hehehehe I feel better. I mean that's sooo cruel to kill Jon Snow. He's like the main dude. But then again everyone good always dies. UGH!

Quite a lot of bad people die also I think you'll😂

hi, do not you want to see my article, he ,, he ,, he @xaero1

Hhahha evwryone dies!! I'm surprised that the show lasted 7 seasons with the amount of dead people. lol

OMGGGG!!! I just hit 1000 followers. HEHE gave you a shout out on my post about it, and I just wanted to personally come thank you for all of your support and advice and friendship and being awesome sauce! :) Thank you 01! HUGS

hey 01, haven't heard from ya in over a week! Hope all is well and that you have retired to a beach :)

whats up chicken butt? Hope your day is going great! :)

Nah.... 'China banned bitcoin again'😱

Heh.. funny . But actually, someone in china only needs to print such a story even if false and they can literally make millions/billions by shorting the market!..and making everyone else (inc. me!) lose!😭 Lol/sigh!

Here's the cult video on Reddit....Aplogies though: they're doing a silly chinese accent impression.

But pretty funny, even so? :-)

Hahaha omg the shitty Asian accent is da best! 😂😂😂😂 well I'm sure the market will bounce back . It always does! Just have to hold on to your coins. 😝

Btw did you see my backpacking blog... hahaha I thought you might laugh at the experience. A bit silly. :) plan on making a couple of more posts today... pop quiz later 😝🤓🤣