Controversial Topic

in #love7 years ago

A little bit of information. I used to be a bible thumper, I actually am an ordained Pastor, and so I speak from a place of study and research. Along with my personal story of healing is a spiritual jounrey, and somethings that I have found truth in. One of the biggest things I have found to be a false truth is I used to believe in the place called hell....I used to believe that you had to accept Jesus Christ in order to go to heaven, and I now no longer believe that, and actually if their are people who want to discuss further I am more then happy to have an intelligent discussion with no judgement or anger.....Hell is a myth based on my personal truth and even biblically and I will begin posting stuff about that. I ask you to be open minded and if you want we can have dialogue if you disagree......

If a mom or dad were to torment their child and chain them up in a awful place for not obeying their perceived rules we would lock the parents up and understand those parents are mentally very sick and disturbed.......

YET christians proclaim that is exactly what god will do and they say its because god is holy and righteous.......

See the problem with this?

Much love and blessings🙏🙏🙏

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Hmm, I don't know about this... I always thought of it more like of a simple justice - those who make others' life miserable on Earth should be punished. Otherwise what would prevent people from being good? (I already know morality exists even without a religion but that's how I always perceived a reason for hell to exist). Never really challenged my reasoning though, and I see it might be a little too naive since I've just denied myself, lol.
So that's... really tough to take for me, I admit. But I'll listen what You have to say, I bet it'll be interesting at the very least.

Love the openess and appreciate the feedback...I dont think anyone deserves Eternal Torment, and I believe Love Wins......Im still wondering how I should share my belief...I can use scripture ir just reasoning.....Most people dont really know the scriptures they just were told hell exists and rationalized it into truth...

Thanks again for honest feedback and I love your willingness to listen, I to am always seeking truth and am willing to be taught or corrected on any matter

From NDE reports, I would say that we judge ourselves and that hellish places are a state of consciousness. Even here on Earth.

Agreed, seperation is in the mind....Blessings🙏🙏🙏


Not sure I agree with you on this subject. However, I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it.

@ickymj are you a christian? Thank you btw.....Are you familiar with the bible and the teaching of hell? Blessings🙏🙏🙏

God, the Creator of the Universe, is my best friend. We talk everyday. I think for myself. A believer, yes ... but I am not sure I relate to the stereo-typical Christian definition.

Awesome me as well.....I think we have been misguided by the bible......Keep following i will be posting things to follow....Blessings my friend🙏🙏🙏🙏

Even as a child it may no sense to me that in order to go to heaven I had to accept Jesus into my heart. I was told that even if a good person did not do this they would go to hell. Yet someone who'd been a shit all their lives could accept Jesus into their heart on their death bed and go to heaven. Never made any sense!

For me it was the same hell never made sense, but coming from fundmental,christianity i was so so grateful to learn that God is truly lovingFB_IMG_1517084541634.jpg

Sensitive talk this is so I can't commit on this because I don't know English much .

In my beleve hazrat eysa alah hisalam the messenger of Allah and I love all the messingerss of Allah

If you can give me your what's app I can talk with you on it .

I get it no worries, much love! Blessings🙏🙏🙏

I can't understand fully wisun on hazrat eysa so I can't comint on it. Near me eysa alah hisalam the messenger of Allah . And Allah love aysa alah hisalam much than me and you .

No worries, blessings🙏🙏🙏

A pure and clean counsciesness and heart is our heaven

Love it!!! Blessings🙏🙏🙏



It post want a Tim to talk on god and eysa alah hisalam and humainty .sensitive but iportant topic to talk and understand realty

Glad you love it, blessings🙏🙏🙏

so nice buddy thanx for sharing and giving us more information

You are welcome, blessings🙏🙏🙏

i agree with you on this subject . God bless you


Well thought i like it


nice post bro

Thank you, blessings🙏🙏🙏

wow i love the post ..just trying to remember it

Thank you, blessings🙏🙏🙏

Not clear what r you saying about eysa ibn e mareum alah hisalam


Well written, Thanks for sharing


good peotry
thank you for sharing


@good-karma making app in next month we will chat on it app persnoly so then we talk on this topic thanks

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment
