This beautiful couple I met on the ship I was working on in Antarctica. They were from Panama and were just married a few weeks prior to the expedition. We were exploring an Island called Petermann Island, which is on the Antarctic Peninsula.
At the time I was focused on getting some video footage of the cuteness that is penguins, when I looked back and saw these two having a quiet moment lying on the snow & ice simply enjoying one another on a beautiful day in a beautiful place on earth.
I gave them this photo a few days later before they left the ship and they were both in tears when they saw it. They were crying for joy because at that time I took the photo they were discussing their future & both decided it was time to start their family. I unknowingly captured this amazing moment that this couple had decided to embark on the next step with their life together. It brought me to tears.
Happy Valentines day, Steemit Community!! Never let love die
Thanks for reading and all the support, Steemit!!
All stories & photographs are of my own work unless noted under the picture in question.
For more stories and photos check out my Instagram feed:
Happy Valentines Day to you too! What a treat to be greeted with such a post absolutely out of the ordinary. Thank you!!!
Namaste :)
Your posts are amazing! Don't stop!
thanks for your kind words!!
Incredible photo
@thomasjmitchell What a way to be at the right place and at the right time. You made their time worth it. You were the angel waiting for them to give them that glorious moment.
I don't know about that.. just a guy with a camera who saw a moment
Nice one. @thomasjmitchell
Wow. Example of what being an artist is . Incredible photo
thanks! @tokoya
awesome, i always love your pictures. what a cool story, happy they were able to get the picture and you heard their story :) thanks for sharing
What a beautiful story behind this photo
It still makes me smile and tear up a bit when I look at it.
The story behind your shots carries me along in the reality of the pictures. A great moment for the couples.
Many still fail to see the power of photography.
I want your voice on this, please be a voice for the helpless.
that is so beautiful
Nice story and nice photo.
Such an awesome picture!
This is an amazing shot and even more amazing story! Thanks for sharing!
So lovely! I'm touched by the story!
It's all about capturing the moment! I wonder if they framed the photo and placed it in their living room.
"So...should we?"
"I don't know, it's a big change...are we ready?"
"Will we ever be? Is anyone?"
"I want one."
"Me too."
"So...should we?"
Post Stories by @jfolkmann
Amazing story and photo, i wish them luck.
So cool! I've always wanted to visit Antarctica. I'll just have to make do with Alaska for now ;)
never make do! Keep wanting and go :)
I'm not crying -- you're crying!
This post has received gratitude of 2.62 % from @appreciator thanks to: @thomasjmitchell.
Such great instincts, and what a beautiful gift to have captured such an important moment in their lives, I imagine the gift of having given that to someone was also very rewarding for you!
Happy Valentine Day dear . Great story . Best of luck .

This is so romantic :)
beautiful, i love it
Your post is very remarkable, keep on working may the success always with you
Love to live in its maximum expression, we need to love Love can do everything, everything supports if we love each day with more intensity than the previous, thinking that tomorrow we have nothing safe; We would have a happier planet. Wonderful and blessed post congratulations.
So cute
la perspectiva y el enfoque de la cámara es de un profesional, le felicito al camarografo
Thanks thomas ,give such type of picture with story.we will enjoy.go brother.
happy valentines day too u..... this is a nice photography my friends...I like it
Very beautiful when you expose a photo of this, and give its own meaning to me
Your pleased me, and also pleased as you conduct the blog.I wish you to blow off a large jackpot.Successes to you and good day
Amazing post... nice photography
What a wonderful and heart-warming story. I suppose you have to sunbathe fully clothes down there!)
Sea, Snow & Penguin, all three in one pic. It's a nice combination.