I love my life more than ever!
Sometimes little things can change your whole energy around you and everything starts falling in place.
It happened!
One second to another
I feel alive!
I AM alive!
I feel special
I feel curious again
I feel that I can climb any mountain
I feel passion for my mornings
Can cry in my evenings
I feel trust could be restored
I feel forgiveness brings me peace
I feel loyalty is possible among true friends
I feel that the universe finally listened to my words
Make another wish or even two!
Go for!
I feel LOVED!
Yours @mammasitta
Only love can make you feel this way; invincible, irresistible and unstoppable. Love is a feeling you feel, when you feel you are feeling a feeling, like you have never felt before. I am happy you feel this way, and yes, you are loved. Your influence spreads like fragrance.
Yaaaay!. Wide smile. Really delighted you love it.
It’s not about a conventional love for a man!
It’s the true love for myself
It took me a zillion of years to understand
Self love is key. I once wrote a love poem for myself via @communitycoin and also on my blog few months ago. Self love is key. Once we love ourself enough, we won't accept anything less. We won't even give discount. Hahaha. I am glad you feel this way.
Thank you so much for your gesture. You are really an admirable being. Thank you so much. You made me smile, really. Thank you.
No discount! No compromise! My cocoon with crystal walls has no place for anything or anybody who doesn’t wish to shine!
I check your poem and also blog out right now.
I am happy that you found me and I know you now.
Hahahahaha i love this. Your determination is absolutely amazing. I enjoy people with positive vibe and you are sure a blessing already.
Wow! This delights me and i am really excited about your words. Thank you so much for all you do. You will see more of me around definitely.
Where is the link for the poem ???
It’s a delight here on my end 🌸
This is the one for communitycoin. More like a letter. Will get the link for the others shortly:
This one is 5 months old: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@olawalium/re-introducing-myself-love-note-to-self
I believe you've understand now, love is very important, if you try ignore it, then you won't be yourself
You and your loved one are very lucky. Enjoy this moment and take care of it.Dear @mammasitta, I realized one simple truth and it did not make my life easy. Forgive me, but now I will tell you. People who love me do it not because I'm good, but because these people are beautiful. Sometimes I do not even understand why I'm loved.
That’s deep and make me think twice because that’s the other side of the story about some people.
Now I do understand what you mean!
They love you because they are your mirrors!
I realized that many people run away from me because they can’t handle my “love” and affection.
That’s what actually happened again but I still feel alive and happy because of discovering my own sincere capability to LOVE&Care.
You very accurately all noticed. Not everyone accepts love as the highest good.
The truth is above any law.
Justice is above truth.
Mercy is above justice.
Can there be something higher than mercy ??
Love is higher than mercy !!!
Beautiful said!
Hmmmmmm wording words into weaved sentences the digital nomad has dotted words on paper again
Simple words with powerful meaning :) for all of you and me 💕
your thoughts are so complex and powerfully thought up, inspiring as well, I had to read up to 5 times, I enjoyed it.
BTW! I just read your Last poetry and felt the same 🌺
I am truly blushing right now
lol a lot of people really felt like this one you rendered was a complete poetry lol, it's got the properties of a poem lol it's a thought provoking self poem.
Wow really? You like my poem? Wow best news today
Arnt we all “poets” as long as we share our feelings nothing can be wrong
love the life you live and live the life you love
Word UP sister!!! 💕💕💕
Yes it is true that True love never dies. True love is like a fine wine which just gets better as it ages. If you truly someone then age, distance and other factors are just numbers which don’t matter. Your heart will tell you whether the person you love is actual love or you are with them for a reason. Once this doubt is cleared by your brain then nothing can stop you from loving that person. True love is when love a person by their soul and not just physically.
Feel it, do it, be it :)
One little moment after the next....
WoWzA! What a beautiful expression of love for you and all you encompass. You are your universe and how could you not love yourself. Beautiful words dear.
so nice to hear from you. I wanted to thank you for all your support past months:)
The person who does not love, does not mean to live. Love for others, love for others, love for others. And this is life..
I thought more about the love of “myself”.....otherwise it would be impossible to love “others”.
I feel we can never run out of love, it is the essence of life, the more we give it the more we get it
I love you @mammasitta you bring all the energy!
You can’t give if you are “empty”
I guess I did something right then:)
💕💕💕 you too !!!
Love is life. Love is more important thing that then other. We are nothing without love. Love is peace. Love is everything. Everything is mother. And mother is love. Mothers are loving. No body complete without mothers love. So keep love with your mothers. Love with your love.
Yes yes yes !!!!
I wish your mother live long!
Thank you! She already does live a long life considering her age at 93.
love is alive when you make write down a beautiful poem, and thus love is forever!
I think if there has faith so there has love, without faith love is valueless, it's only my opinion because I believe that faith inspire us to love others... even I can't deny yourself I also agree with you...
I don't know what happened, but I'm happy you feel alive! Makes me feel happy and alive too 😀
I just lost myself in some illusions for a second but I’m back :) I protected my feelings too much. Hiding them to stay safe.
Sweet to hear from you!
Stay happy!
Great hearing from you too! Glad you're back :D
I am never really gone but I enjoy life at the Moment mostly offline or working on some exciting projects
Love is energie🤘 Und Marvin Gaye ist einfach 1a🤗
Vor allem die B Seite Version :)
wow amazing post really nice post..
Thank u
Great to hear these words, and yes you are special and you can achieve anything, and this concept have to understand by everyone, we all are special, and we have to enjoy our life and we have to perform those activities which keep us happy and which give us essence of liveliness and yes we all make mistakes in life so the greatest thing in life is to move on by forgiving others. Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. 🙂
I protected my feeling for too long and finally dare to let them free
Let your feelings fly. Stay blessed. 🙂
when we are in love, nothing can be more powerful , :-))))
Hahha! Tell me about😜😝😋
When I was in love ( I m still ) but you know about the love period than it is like taking every day drugs. Thats so crazy what the body makes with us ( or our brain ? )
Love is sweet but hurts more than its sweetness when bad drive happens but when you forgive you find peace and love would find you again
I'm happy for you MAMA
Thank you for sharing my happiness with me 🌸🌸🌸
You are welcome mama. You deserve the best
Thanks much for last week upvote, I have never get high upvote like that since I joined steemit
Hahhaa! You are more than Welcome!!! 💕
Hi, You have made a good contribution to steemit.
Very powerful and touching write up.. i am really touched
Thank you.
I upvoted and followed you; kindly follow me and we can help each other become successful.
My Recent Postyeah really.love is like punk not dead.great quote
nice poetry from great poet
Oh well! Not really!
Just thoughts :)
Listened 5 times :D
That’s sweet! I assume that you knew Marvin Gaye but maybe not that version.
Where were you? Posted after a week maybe, and again after this post I would like to say you are a lively and lovely person 😍
And it's so nice to see that we can link or upload videos via steepshot as well.
So sweet of you to say. Sometimes, when real life is more exciting than the online space I just vanish 😜
Hahaha, i wish to live a life like you outside of online space.
Love never dies, it doesn't matter we are with person or not whom we love, but we can't stop ourself from.loving that person.
If this love is for yourself?
It is even better.
Self love is the key !
That’s what I finally figured out
Glad to know that :) keep smiling :)
Love is never die.
loving yourself from any aspect it's very / or better @mammasitta.
That’s where it all actually starts! Love yourself first before you can share your love to the whole world
That would be superior poem shared @mammasitta. My mind blowing now and inspire lot.
Just my thoughts and prayers, also thank you’s
Love needed our life. Without love couldn't find happiness or successes.
Yes God is Love but human being makes it complicated
So so true! These words were missing in my expressed thoughts!
You did read inbetween my lines 😘
I'm a thoughtful boy mama, I understand situations and always want to do my best to help
Just never stop loving even if human being push you to wall cos love helps
I know you are!!!!
I can feel your visits again, you will always be my HERO!
You are Mine 🙃
Amazing theory from you dear,have a nice day.
I really love the love.
Love is such a thing its exists forever in this world.
Love is like a flower <3
Vampy believe love is calmness O:)
Love your thoughts mamma ^o^
May be love is the world full of all possibilities ^,...,^
Bella poesía muy inspiradora amiga , cuanto escribimos con el corazón no hace falta se poetas simplemente , expresamos nuestros sentimiento y hacemos maravillaras con las palabras . Saludos
Just found this article again and it makes me so happy to remember those days! There is o reason to be upset ....only thankful!
we all feel loved when we see you around lots of love :) have a fabulous day :D
Just found this old article again and it made me smileOh yes yes @blazing !!!
Posted using Partiko iOS
wow really nice post..
That is amazing!!............
I love PUNK!
sorry mbak handphone was wrong squashed
What you mean?
I'm sorry,because the last phone I broke down.depressed downvoted you
Oh oh nooooo :)
sorry ma'am yeah,I like the look of your blog
No worries
May I know more closely with you and by I know you live in which country?
I'm sorry,because the last phone I broke down.depressed downvoted you
mbak i am sorry to have downvoted...
the phone was damaged, distressed itself
You can always change your vote
Cool friends @mammsitta
What you mean?