It's almost like getting a bug's eye view of the world, and it sure looks strange.
Recently, I found an old, abandoned hornet nest. I've always admired the skill with which they build these. I've wondered what it would be like to be crawling around on one of these, and thanks to my macro lens, I can now get that viewpoint. I've edited a few of these photos, but left some untouched too. While I like the detail that black & white can draw out and enhance, I like things raw and as they appear too. Enjoy the photos!
B & W
As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:
Until next time…
The ingenuity is spectacular, With no degree, preprogrammed, they know how to build it.
We have a lot to learn from them.
Keep on steemin'
this is cool, but for me bee is a little scary, little I tell you @papa-pepper.
By the time I was in the field and I was sitting in a small shack, suddenly there came a bunch of bumblebees and they roared on the roof over my head it was so scary @papa-pepper, the roof height with my head just 2 arms, it it is terrible for me, if I think about it until now I am very afraid of bees.
Oh no! Did any sting you though?
no, at that time I took the opportunity to hide to the rice plants, but it is very sad for me @papa-pepper.
Apis the genus name, I couldn't figure out the proper species.
These small creatures too much social and remains in colonies with hormony and best properly managed division of Labour. Not only make such engineered architecture but also;
Aren't they more intelligent and Social than money other animals even humans in some cases.
Waoo, this is a lovely veiw of hives and a great farmer @papa-pepper
It's nice though it always give me goose pimple
Nice photo and how to shoot the right with beautiful results,, thanks for sharing,,
very clear & clever close ups... keep it up...
Hi papa-pepper,
I like the colored image better...I love colors no matter what.
If you found an abandoned hornet's nest, perhaps you may have live ones around?
We sure do have some live ones around!
You ever been stung by one? I have. hurts like crazy.
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the photos are amazing @papa-pepper
is this a beehive?
wow....amazing photography, nice post, thanks for sharing
You are right! The B&W photographs add a lot more depth into the images.
Great photography.
Looks more like a beehive. Each specie has a different and unique home
Amazing photography
It is surprising how the wasps build the ducts evenly to the size of the larvae. By the way, good images.
The way they make these nests is absolutely brilliant with the hexagonal engineering of these nests.
For sure God taught them so.
It's about Honeybees nests.
Honeybees - Amazing Architectures
this is like the shape of a honeycomb or a honeycomb. this is very interesting comrade @papa-pepper.
in my area there are many bee hives, we usually make fishing bait, is it @papa-pepper area, the nest is functioned for what ..
That's a cool closeup. At first I thought it was honeycomb. Hopefully you didn't get stung!
Nice post, enjoy the photos 👍👍👍
Nice look inside!
Their nest entrances are works of art as well:
Real artists. European hornets (Vespa crabro) these, though, you probably have another kind.
So many wonders of God’s creation.
When I was a kid, the neighbor kids had wrist-rockets (slingshots). Their mom would give them bags of dried beans for ammo and we'd be sent to the backyard to shoot down wasp nests.
I think we did more running and screaming than actual nest removals, but it was fun.
Wow i love to photo you post thanks very so much for you. Good luck
This is great papa-pepper another research work always determine for new things weldon sir. papa thanks for yersterday
Very cool architecture! It is a good thing that they are friendly to one another, living in such close proximity to each other! I think it is a good thing that it was abandoned or you wouldn't have been able to get these amazing shots.
Nice photo's 👍 love the natural ones
watch the bees during the summer and follow them to their nests, a nighttime raid in the autumn on part of the hive should get some nice, free honey.
leave 1/2 to 3/4 of the hive so they will be there next year.
It's quite amazing, the repetitive precision that goes into making these isn't it? Do you have a lot of hornets in the Ozarks?
We get wasps here, but I don't think we have hornets. The wasps are bad enough, they kill people here, sometimes.
One of the most perfect creations of nature in my opinion.
The bee is the basis of the education I bring to children,
for the importance of pollination.
Your macro lens is awesome. I appreciate the pics even more with your "proof-of-nest" pic showing the nest at its normal size.
Great macro shots. I agree it’s like looking into another world. Bees I love...hornets/wasps can burn as far as I’m concerned :) Those little angry bastards have stung me more times than I can remember. Painful.