Sir Keithboone! So spring is actually there now? we measure spring here by the scorpions showing up again! lol. You just don't even go without shows here, inside or out.
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Sir Keithboone! So spring is actually there now? we measure spring here by the scorpions showing up again! lol. You just don't even go without shows here, inside or out.
Well, there are zero scorpions here, so I guess it's not Spring yet! There was a dusting of snow overnight, now it's raining and around 40 degrees F. Winter just does not want to give up this year!
howdy today sir Keith! well that mights it kind of hard to get fresh pictures every day doesn't it? It's a good thing you have a huge archive.
Yep, it's a good thing, but these were fresh photos and same with the Feathered Friday post. I do try to get out there every day, it's just not always nice every day ;-)
yes sir Keith, it's kind of a hassle but I keep plugging away because you said we were all going to be rich so I'm following your lead! lol.
Wait a minute... I thought you were the one who said that!?!
haha! I've telling people for months that I don't know if it's worth it but the people I say that to are hard core steemians and always come back with how it's going to go to the moon someday! lol. The rest have left the platform so I guess it's just us hardcore people left. But I still have doubts. And I'm sure you do too.