I love mushrooms :) I'm glad to hear they're so healthy, I had no idea they'd such a high Ca2+ content! Yay!
Just a few quick points )
- Mushrooms belong to the phylogenic Family of fungi
- Sodium balance is stressed by doctors treating hypertension, but there's not much evidence behind this and it's definately not "the most important thing in treating and preventing hypertension" :P
- Finally, the title! The term "scientifically proven" is sort of a red-flag. In science nothing is ever definitively proven... it's just supported or not supported. It's easy to disprove something, but impossible to prove!
I was going to write exactly that. That I love them and I eat loads of raw champignons.
I did a search to find out if eating them raw is ok and found out that it's safe but eating too many might cause kidney dust due to soil residue. And I eat them unwashed since I feel that the aroma is gone when properly washed. But then I am a weirdo, so don't mind me :D
Haha I've never heard of this 'kidney dust'... worth looking in to?
Never even considered eating them raw... i love them caramalised with onions!
I also sometimes eat them raw, but only when I'm really hungry and can't wait for them to caramelise :D
Thanks guys for your help!
I've made a mistake with the Fungi because in polish translation: fungi and mushrooms are the same word :D always good to learn something new, thanks for that :)
After rethinking: I agree with everything that you've written! Scientifically proven is too strong, I should have said evidence-based instead. I'll edit the title.
:D classic translation errors :)