6' 8" tall and still growing fast :) - 2018 Legal Marijuana Grow - Episode 7

in #marijuana7 years ago (edited)

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Despite topping her early, my Blue City Diesel stands 6' 8" tall and is showing no signs of slowing down vertical growth yet. Plus a hatching of lady beetles :)

Back Episodes

Ep1 - "Got my girls in the ground" | Ep2 - "They grow up so fast" | Ep3 - "Mysterious pest damaging leaves" | Ep4 - "What have I wrought?" | Ep5 - "Invasion of the Insect Hordes" | Ep6 - "Sometimes a girl just needs some room to breathe"

Blue City Diesel

Episode 7 cover.jpg

She now stands 6'8" tall at her tallest top and stretches 5'6" wide from tip to tip of her widest branches. The dark purple coloration on the stems has become even more pronounced.

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Girl Scout Cookies

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The Girl Scout Cookies now stands 5' 2" tall and stretches 4' wide from branch to branch.

Lady Beetle Larvae!

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The Blue City Diesel played host to a hatching of lady beetles under one of her leaves. The lady beetle larvae hung out around the empty egg cases for a few days eating the egg cases before dispersing to hunt in my plants. Go get 'em lady beetles! The larvae are a predator of aphids and other pest insects just like the adults :)

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Other Insect Visitors

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Green leafhopper - minor pest

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Cool yellow fly

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Stink bugs (above and below) - these are most likely beneficial (predators). The rule of thumb is green stink bugs are plant eaters and brown or gray stink bugs are predators. Even the plant eaters just suck juice and don't do much damage.

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Red eyed fly - I like the shadows here :)

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Spotted cucumber beetle - this is a pest but typically not a serious one for marijuana growers in my area

Mayfly in August

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Thankful to live in a legal state!

I am thankful to live in Oregon, a state which has finally legalized marijuana for recreational use. I can legally grow up to four plants (I have two beautiful girls). I hope to see the legalization movement continue to sweep across America regardless of the current political climate.

Cheers - Carl
