Sweet grow & photos are superb!!!
I really like your breakdown of the insects you see on the plant. We're growing outdoors and it's like an oasis, with the diverse the of visitors the plants bring.
Can you walk us through your feeding regimen?
Keep on growing & posting!
I have barely fed them anything at all so far. I actually just fed them for the first time a week ago. I gave them both a lot of new soil that had vege stage fertilizers already mixed in, and I innoculated the roots with mycorrhizal fungi which enhances their ability to get nutrients from the ground anyway, and the mycorrhizal fungi is very sensitive to too much fertilizer and you can kill the fungi and have net slower growth by over fertilizing. So I kind of played it by ear and kept an eye on them to see how they were doing and they didn't seem to be telling me they needed anything, so I didn't give them anything :)
They both have open access to the dirt a few feet down under the new soil I put in, and the dirt in my area is super rich river silt for many feet straight down which is in the proper pH range as well.
Last week I fed them a (not precise) mix of mostly 5 - 1 - 1 fish emulsion with some smaller amounts of a couple different flowering fertilizers that I had left over from last fall. I was aiming for roughly 5 - 2- 3 but wasn't too worried about precision.
Very interesting. Thanks for the info!!!
We have a couple ladies outside. The soil was a mixture of about 3/4 veggy fertilizer and 1/4 coco coir. They have been in cloth pots for a couple months now without any additional vegetative fertilizer. Wasn't sure if they would benefit from any feeding.
Like you said you don't want to over feed, but at this point i'm wondering about them starving for nutes. They are also about as tall as yours.
How thick is the stem at the base for your ladies?