Free Cannabis Oil for Cancer Patients -- My Plan/W.I.P

in #marijuana8 years ago (edited)

Phoenix Tears (Cannabis Oil) For Cancer Patients

Basically I've been able to find a source to produce medical cannabis oil on a pretty big scale, which can be scaled larger if necessary.

What is Cannabis Oil?

Cannabis oil is a concentrated form of oleo-resin extracted from the dried cannabis plant, capable of inhibiting cancer cell growth. Cannabis oil (sometimes known as Phoenix Tears) usually have high amounts of common cannabinoids such as THC and CBD. Though we'll be using strains classified as Hemp to avoid THC prohibition. The concentrated oil that will be produced is high in CBD and negligible amounts of THC.

This oil will be ingested by eating, not smoking or vaporizing, as oral ingestion is the healthiest and most effective way to medicate. Smoke, no matter what it's from, is carcinogenic.

What's the Plan?

The plan is to produce as much medicine as possible and distribute it for free to cancer patients, most likely patients with low income to start, but will hopefully broaden out into anyone who's been diagnosed with:

  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Glaucoma
  • Cancer
  • Tumors
  • Crohn's Disease

It's already started!

I'm really excited about this project, as I've already been able to help over a dozen people. Two of which were very close friends of mine from a long time ago, and even got to help a member of the family! They are all in remission now, one of them for four years.

Though we haven't called it a "cure". (Cure is a very strong word, one that implies the impossibility of a recurrence). All of them are happy and enjoying healthy lives, cancer-free.

If you know anyone suffering with cancer, please do some research on concentrated cannabis oil. Make your own decisions. If this is something that you would like to pursue, or know someone that would like to pursue it -

Don't hesitate to get in contact!

[email protected]

Image credits:,,,,


@freshfund I have a friend who has just started aggressive chemo - mainly because his insurance covers that - but not cannabis oil... how can I connect you 2?

Send an email to [email protected], we will discuss all the details :)

Thats so sad. Tell them to stop, chemo is just going to kill them. Chemo was discovered from mustard gas I believe, it is only fda approved to help kill imo, anything fda approved is deadly in general. Sigh, Fuck I hate this "healthcare" aka disease management profit making frustrating to hear about when the cures are so simple..but them being sick keeps them in Buisness..I'd love to speak with you sometime if your up for it. Dm:

love your article, I'm campaigning about cancer in my place, thx for sharing

Wow! I would love to see more posts about this as you grow!
Followed, upvoted and resteemed!

Awesome - thanks so much! Looking forward to posting more about this too!

The interface of steemit is not very user friendly. For example, who did you just reply to in the post you referred to?

I'll be honest, I don't understand your question. What are you trying to find out?

Phoenix Tears is a wolfberry producer in Utah as well. Is there any relation?

My wife is a cancer survivor, with some chronic issues as a result. We've often discussed whether or not cannabis oil might help.

We have no relation to the producer in Utah but if it is easier for you to connect with them, I would not hesitate to do so.

Though we'd be happy to donate the maintenance dosages if needed!

Also, if you don't mind me asking, what are the chronic issues that your wife is suffering from?
Maybe I can lend some advice as to whether or not it would be a good option?

As far as I know, the outfit in Utah only does wolfberry plants. I just saw the name and wondered.

Her cancer was in the groin area. Due to the surgeries and subsequent radiation treatments, she lost main circulation (all collateral now), has RSD (nerve damage), lymphedema and chronic pain (some nerve damage and some for other obvious reasons). The area, even 20 years later, still gets infected easily. It's healing process is literally taking decades.

I'm so sorry to hear that she's been dealing with pain and more for that long!
Cannabis oil can help her with: Pain management, Combating inflammatory disorders & neurodegenerative disorders. It is also anti-bacterial, so there is also a good chance it could help with infections as a topical (mixed with a carrier oil such as coconut).

a quick source if you need:

Can I get your name, company and website info?

It will help, no doubt. Use it if you can get it and if you can't get it, find it! #illegallyhealed the laws are WRONG, its our duty to disobey unjust laws esp regarding our loved ones health! Do whatever it takes to be happy & comfortable. Cannabis used to be over the counter in every pharmacy for many many ailments and nobody was ever scared of a high, before they made it a political thing. Is anyone ever this nervous about medicine if its in a pill? No.

My understanding, having direct contact with Rick Simpson, the Canadian who owns the true Phoenix Tears website, is that CBD oil made from industrial hemp plants that don't contain THC and are not strong enough to slow down, stop or kill cancer. I think you are misleading people by referring to the oil you are offering as being like Phoenix Tears oil. An oil made from industrial hemp will not stop cancer. A RSO (which stands for Rick Simpson Oil) or a Full Extract of Cannabis Oil (another name for the same quality of concentrate) that contains high concentrations of THC from an Indica strain will stop and kill cancer cells.
Rick's video, which he gives permission to share, can be accessed here on YouTube:

I cannot upvote your post until you provide further clarification, please.

Rick Simpson, although a pioneer, was deeply misdirected with his research.
A few notes:
Industrial hemp or Hemp in general, is classified as any cannabis plant with a THC level lower than 0.3% and since THC has little positive effect (other than comfort) to inhibiting cancer cell growth. This is not an issue with the ability to stop cancer.
Certain cannabis strains have been bred with high levels of CBD that of 24% and up with negligible amounts of thc.

Phoenix Tears are a common name for any cannabis oil... I avoided the term RSO because as you said, Rick uses the whole cannabis plant including the THC. Which we will be avoiding, as there is no massive medical benefit, only small benefits not worth the risks.

If you read his instructions on how to make your own cure - he instructs you to use Naptha (a very strong and carcinogenic solvent). When almost all solvents should be avoided, especially when treating cancer.
Although very many people hold Rick Simpson with high regard because of his goals, the information he has given has been clinically out-dated and proven to be either ineffective or very seldom used.

Lastly - I really wish that the dozen people that I've helped were on Steemit so they could give some testimonials.

I appreciate your feedback, but I'm not doing this for up-votes. I'm doing this to genuinely help people, and so that my mission statement remains on the blockchain forever :)

Emails/Contact/Help > Up-Votes

There are organic solvents that can be used to extract the resin/oil from the plant. A friend of mine cured himself of Terminal Stage 4 Prostate Cancer that had spread to the bones and lymph nodes using high-grade THC Cannabis Oil that was extracted with organic solvent.

I agree that CBD cannabis will not stop, or cure cancer. You need to use cannabis with very high THC.

True, limonene can be considered a solvent and is 100% safe to use.
Co2 Super or Sub critical is the best though.
Though there is no study stating that THC helps inhibit cancer cell growth.
High THC is recommended for cancer patients for a number of reasons, though it is not to aid in destroying tumors or inhibit cancer cell growth.

First, let me say that I think your intentions are good in trying to help people. I also think that we now have better technology for extracting cannabinoids then we did 15 years ago, when Rick Simpson went public.
Rick's first recommendation is to use 99.9% isopropyl alcohol as the solvent or as a second option, an overproof alcohol (Everclear) as a solvent. He recommends naptha as a solvent if it's the only solvent that a person can get in their area to make the oil.
By far, a Co2 extraction is the better way to go for someone who is sick and dying.
My concern is that CBD sourced from industrial hemp plants is not strong enough to stop the progression of cancer cells on its own.
To do this, you need activated THC that has been decarboxylated into 9-THC and then metabolized through the liver to form the molecule 11-THC. This means that 9-THC must be eaten. Smoking or vapourizing will not lead to the production of 11-THC.
11-THC will bind to both CB1 and CB2 receptors in the body and CBD only binds to the CB2 receptors.
When 11-THC binds to a cancer cell it raises the cell's ceramide level which doesn't allow the mitocondria (or energy powerhouse of the cell) to work. In addition, 11- THC will also disrupt the calcium metabolism of the cancer cell. This 2-stage process is unique to THC.
CBD, from cannabis indica, will also disrupt the calcium metabolism of the cancer cell and it also is responsible for what's known as the "Caspase Cascade" which breaks down the protein and pepetide chains within the cell, causing cancer cell death.
These processes involve both THC and CBD and will kill cancer cells.
My understanding is that the CBD must be derived from a cannabis indica plant strain and that it becomes more beneficial when it works synergistically with 11-THC.
Here's a link to a Biochemist's take on how these processes work:

With cancer it always feels like a race against time, once the autoimmune disease is discovered.
I would want to take advantage of both THC and CBD sourced from cannabis indica, if I had cancer.
I would not rely on industrial hemp, alone.
I would encourage anyone who may read this comment to research it for themselves.

Thank you! The biggest reward is the immensely emotional conversions I get to have with patients once they're "out of the woods".
Yes - 100% Yes! Do as much research as you possibly can! Fill your brain with as much knowledge as you can. If along the way, one decides that they'd like to pursue CBD products. We will be here. :)

Isopropyl is never good to use. Right on Section 3 of the MSDS you can read:

"DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Classified Reproductive system/toxin/female, Development toxin [POSSIBLE].
The substance may be toxic to kidneys, liver, skin, central nervous system (CNS). Repeated or prolonged exposure to the
substance can produce target organs damage."

Although the indica strains typically contain a higher quantity of phyto-chemicals that are considered to be beneficial, once isolated from the plant in high quantities - it makes no difference which strain it came from.

Yes, you're correct - decarboxylation is a big step, for "activating" THC-A, into the delta 9 THC. Once activated it drops that acidic molecule, so tetrahydrocannibidolic-acid turns into delta 9 tetrahydrocannibinol. Once delta 9 THC has been eaten, and passes through the liver it metabolizes into 11 hydroxy tetrahydrocannibinol. You didn't miss a beat on that!

Though these cannabinoids are analgesic and antiemetic, they only aid slightly in the process of killing cancer cells.

If patients are registered license holders in Canada, we can give you access to real RSO, with all the THC benefits. Though with THC prohibition in place, (in most places), we can not in good conscious instruct anyone to risk their liberty and break laws. No matter how much we disagree with those laws.

Full plant is best but hemp is literally just cannabis without THC. It is very healthy & to be honest when I started my cannabis regime it was "cbd only" products and they helped my body more than regular cannabis does, but THC is special & needed for certain things so yeah but all is good and better than none! Our endocannabinoid systems need hemp products & full plant cannabis as well! I found great help in products like charolettrs web tinctures that have such skepticism its frustrating because many families could be helped if they weren't worried about these semi shady companies that ruin it for all the good cbd/hemp companies out there like my buddies at they re just helping people! & helped me a lot before I could get full plant & I still need my cbd/hemp products along with vaping smoking and eating all forms of cannabis

HEMP PASTE is a good whole-plant cbd product or was helpful for me when I could not use THC & needed it medically. I was surprised hemp products really saved my life from depression, lost weight and much using full plant but IMO hemp products are healthier & needed with it other than say smoking a joint a day, thats why I use all forms of cannabis (cooked & raw) vaped & eaten more good things are hemp seeds, hemp seed oil like on and just I'm in love with cannabis it is my all & saves me daily from myself :) #EndocannabinoidLove #ECS

I am very interested! My dad just got diagnosed with stage 3 liver cancer and it has infiltrated the portal vein and branches to the bile duct. We are currently trying to get his bilirubin down low enough so that he can start protonic therapy. In order to get his bilirubin down he NEEDS to EAT and DRINK a lot of water. He has zero appetite and has trouble drinking anything. Do you think this would help him out?

Love what you are doing. Always looking for a more natural way of dealing with diseases.

Hello my name is Thomas Karol , my husband was suffering from liver cancer, and the doctor's told me that there is nothing they could do to save my beloved husband life. Then a friend told me about hemp oil , i told her that my husband liver cancer was in the last stage that i don’t think the hemp oil will be able to help, and she persuaded me to try, for the love of my husband, i decided to give it a try. I did some research and i found a doctor who helped me with the cannabis oil to cure my husband liver cancer and he assured me that after 3 months the liver cancer will be gone, and For the past one year my husband is perfectly okay and he is free from cancer, if you know any one who is suffering from cancer you can save his/her life by contacting Dr. Brown Nelson via his email : ([email protected]) it worked exactly as the doctor prescribed. Thanks to Dr. Brown Nelson for taking away sorrow in my life. God will bless Dr. Brown Nelson for helping me with cannabis oil and for his support and care. i will keep on help you to fight cancer in the World, all i have to say is THANK YOU LORD.

Would you be able to tell me the total cost of this treatment???

++++++++ keep up the good work

Hello my name is Thomas Karol , my husband was suffering from liver cancer, and the doctor's told me that there is nothing they could do to save my beloved husband life. Then a friend told me about hemp oil , i told her that my husband liver cancer was in the last stage that i don’t think the hemp oil will be able to help, and she persuaded me to try, for the love of my husband, i decided to give it a try. I did some research and i found a doctor who helped me with the cannabis oil to cure my husband liver cancer and he assured me that after 3 months the liver cancer will be gone, and For the past one year my husband is perfectly okay and he is free from cancer, if you know any one who is suffering from cancer you can save his/her life by contacting Dr. Brown Nelson via his email : ([email protected]) it worked exactly as the doctor prescribed. Thanks to Dr. Brown Nelson for taking away sorrow in my life. God will bless Dr. Brown Nelson for helping me with cannabis oil and for his support and care. i will keep on help you to fight cancer in the World, all i have to say is THANK YOU LORD.

Thank you for the encouraging words. This page increases my hopes of becoming cancer free. And yes Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Hi! You may be aware, the CDC screwed us chronic pain patients w/legitimate disabilities by scaring physicians into not prescribing needed pain meds. The DEA is taking the CDC "guidelines" and making them law! Ohio is bad. Across the country, suicides are happening because the person wants to be free of intractable pain. Some of us have a plan, just in case it gets too bad. My question is, can someine get your oil mail order to Ohio? We have a lot of people in pain. Ohio's medical marijuana plan doesn't start till Sept. 2018. If it has ANY thc in it, is that illegal?
Fairly new to steemit. Check/follow me? Or upvote some of my stuff? Is that what I do? LOL! Beg ppl to upvote my pics and stories? Ha ha!

this is hemp SEED oil - not the same thing at all!