Roasting up the ganja, me and Pikachu.... after the 5th or 6th hit on my Pokebong.. I'm ready to soar to new heights and catch whatever imaginary monster comes my way! Or just sit and watch an insurance commercial and laugh my nuts almost off after a guy says something HILARIOUS like "We pay our claims within the first 48 hours."
Maybe that's not funny but after roasting it up I'm laughin like I'm at a Bill Burr show....
Click this link to buy a stoned Pikachu tshirt!!!!
Hehehehe gotta smoke 'em all!! Me n my pikachu :p
There was a ghastly in the smoke... i tried to catch it but only succeeded in almost breaking my toe.
Nintendo releases new pokemon go edition!
Pika pika
whoaaaa broe... pika pika... y'all hungry for some Funyuns?
Do you have to flick more Pokeballs? Or do they run faster than you can catch up? LOL
go find one!^)