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RE: Market Friday at the Air Show - Part ll

in #marketfriday6 years ago

Always a pleasure to chat with you too. Though I don't seem to be keeping up very well lately. Too much going on in the summer months coming up. Even the grass has passed me up these days ( :
I went back and perused the other post (finally, yikes). All the photos are incredibly great. Hard to get too, since they move a 'bit fast' as they go by. Very good job in the photo department for sure.
As for buzzing, there were times the F-15's (?) were lower than us in the valleys, we could wave to the pilots. But what was TRULY amazing, was that we sometimes wouldn't hear them, until there was a sonic boom, or they passed by. Very odd indeed. Sound is a strange thing. And scared the hooey out of me most times. Well, hope your day is a good one.