Well, we need to change all that! Oh, they can get quite incredible! This one was good, but the pictures on the first one were better. It was raining in the second set. It happens.
I always feel like the C-5 will be falling out of the sky sometime soon. I just know it! It is pretty loud, but, having lived on a flight line for 20 + years will make you immune, almost. Or deaf so you don't really hear it anymore. Hehe! Yes, they do buzz once in a while, although they are not supposed to.
I have to cut it short to head off here... I will catch up with you again and thank you so much DD. You are one of the best. I love a visit from @ddschteinn xo
Always a pleasure to chat with you too. Though I don't seem to be keeping up very well lately. Too much going on in the summer months coming up. Even the grass has passed me up these days ( :
I went back and perused the other post (finally, yikes). All the photos are incredibly great. Hard to get too, since they move a 'bit fast' as they go by. Very good job in the photo department for sure.
As for buzzing, there were times the F-15's (?) were lower than us in the valleys, we could wave to the pilots. But what was TRULY amazing, was that we sometimes wouldn't hear them, until there was a sonic boom, or they passed by. Very odd indeed. Sound is a strange thing. And scared the hooey out of me most times. Well, hope your day is a good one.