I agree with you that it is a very lovely home and shall we just say that things are not as grandiose as the last one but it's true it does have its own charm. As you probably already know the house that I am in now also has an open plan and I had to pick up this way purposely, however, I'm not sure that I would do that again either. Except in the kitchen/den area. I really like the open concept that they are because whoever is in the house will usually migrate towards the kitchen without actually being in it to keep company when I'm cooking. That part I like. Perhaps I'm old-fashioned but I do like separate rooms like an office or living room space. Right now my living room opens up into the dining area and I no longer like that concept. I want totally separate areas. That is another reason that I don't like to really tiny house because then the rooms are too small to fit Furniture in. My furniture is pretty substantial and takes up a little bit of room. So as much as everybody is telling me that I'm not getting any younger and I should be looking towards a smaller home unless I want to get rid of half of my furniture I can't. And I actually like a little bit more room so that if I have company I don't have to worry about where I'm going to put them. Except for that shower thing. What is up with that? I like a shower that's roomy and I could dance in but I don't need to you have a dance troupe with me. Do you know what I mean?
The three separate living quarters is actually very interesting and it could be useful for entertaining or if I got old and broke oh, I could use it for an Airbnb. I shudder at the thought, but it's possible. The stairs are only a concern because I broke my distal fibula a while back and I can remember having trouble navigating the stairs. Now it's not like I'm a week or don't walk or exercise but it happened and it could happen again so this house has major staircases. There is a set of major staircases to get from one piece of property to the other. That right there is a turn-off. Not so much now but I have to remember that if I still own this in 20 years, am I going to be so willing to you dance 10 sets of stairs every time I want something? I didn't really have too much negative to say about the last place because I wasn't quite in the mode of comparing yet, but having seen several pieces of property, I can do that now. One of the things that I liked but didn't like was the fact that that house was amazing but it was off the beaten path and would not be exactly convenient to get to the city. It would probably take me an hour tell me which is a little far. That and it is not a neighborhood, which is okay but I'm trying to come to grips with the fact that but I mind not having all of this stuff around me as I set off on my walks every day? Things to ponder and you are right I am enjoying the hunt right now. Thank you for stopping in and saying hello and it's always I wish you a most wonderful day.
An hour from a major town, not just any town. That sounds like here. I can get to gas or groceries in 10 minutes, but Walmart, Home Depot etc is nearly an hour. Same for a university, so I am looking around to get a shack closer for a temporary landing spot.
I beg to differ though, we are getting younger. Age is a big part mental. We keep each other sharp with our banter.
Pfft u can walk around the property and never have to leave it lol!
Noooo, it is not that far, but, it is further out than I am now. And there is no JULIE down there!
Oh, the horror!!!
Le Sigh.
Pfft you don't need her. Listen here, I can do as good if not better. And, this is best part, half off what she charges! You can't beat that :)
You just upvoted yourself! LOL I'm telling Julie. It is a lifetime away from Smith Lake. I think I am safe.
I can teach Julie a thing or two. If I don't upvote myself, no one else will lol. Oh no you forgot about Part B of Old Guy V. 2!! The salt life part :p... Plus you know I do a nice job. You seen me do mine hehehe. I think you were even a little bit jelly.
Oh, yes!! You always were pretty in pink
Le sigh.