It really is a lovely home but those stairs have put me off because I do have some relatives that have lingering knee problems that don't look like they're going away anytime soon. Now these relatives are elderly, but we'll get there someday and if I'm looking for a long-term possibly permanent home then I need to think about the Future. Not that long ago, I broke my distal fibula and was off my feet for 3 months. I can tell you that had a lot of trouble navigating stairs and that alone told me that I needed to keep stairs in mind because that is one of the biggest problems later in life or if you have an injury no. Now, I consider myself pretty fit and I still have trouble navigating the stairs come so I can imagine when I become old and infirm how those stairs will do me in. LOL I can also say that my mom and dad even at 70 and 80 we're sprinting up those stairs like a teenager so I guess it's all in what you're used to.
And truth be told, I will not be settling and if it's not perfect there is nothing pushing me out of this house right now so yes I will keep looking. Thanks so much for stopping by and as always you're positive attitude and your beautiful heart always make you a a coveted guest here. Thank you so much for dropping your link and as always I wish you a good night!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Upped and steemed
I am happy to hear you are taking your sweet time to decide about moving. I have had two surgeries this year and my stairs have been difficult for me too. I have to be very careful going up and down them. Hopefully, I can stay here for a long time yet. I would hate to leave my gardens and all the creatures that I feed daily. xoxoxo
Oh, yes!!! Your place is like heaven!!!
Being transferred every couple of years hasn't given me and the time to create such beautiful spaces as you have! when I broke my bone, it occurred to me that if I was an older person, it would be miserable!!
I am sure in time, you will navigate it like it never happened. I forgot I even did it because it is all back to normal.
Time heals. XOXO