There is quite a difference from the last one but they're in two different locations with very different landscape so I would say that they both fit into their landscape nicely but yes oh, I agree. I am amazed at how big these showers are, the only time I can remember them being that big is in the school gyms and they weren't for the females for sure. And here I took you for a party in the shower kind of guy. See, looks just don't always tell the whole story do they?
The linoleum was in the pool house and it was only in one little section so I probably should not have even mentioned it ever it was one of the things that I was considering because it was going to be another expense replacing it.
I would have to say that looking online gives you ideas however I have never been so blown away in my entire life at the difference in what I'm looking at and what is said to be because it's right in front of your eyes. I have never seen more wide-angle lenses being used in places that have no business being. I can understand needing to get the whole space in the picture but too exaggerated to the point where you think you're getting a 40 foot room and it turns out to be 9 feet oh, well now who is fooling who? Oh well you know we have both been house hunting at least 25 or 30 different times and it never gets old, does it? If there's one thing that New England it's feast or famine. In Connecticut it seems like there's way more to story houses but as the 50s and 60s rolled around there was a lot of one-story Cape cod's or ranches being put up. If I didn't have such a big family I could probably go a lot smaller but it's better to have enough room for them as I don't live there anybody then to have to delegate them to a hotel because there's not even space for them to sleep on the floor. As for me personally, I could probably live in 300 square feet just fine.
I figured that the brain teaser would not be a problem for you and from now on I think I'm just going to make you a special one. All for yourself. Except I'm not so sure I could find one that you would have trouble with. Not that you were teacher's pet too weren't you? I am sure that you did surprise the interviewers because it is so normal for people to read the color as opposed to looking at it and deciphering that it is not what you were reading. Thank you so much for dropping your link here and 4 being kind enough to visit other people's posts in this challenge. As always I want to thank you for being such a kind and generous soul and I wish you a wonderful weekend.
#MarketFriday loves you
Upped and steemed
I enjoy visiting peoples posts for market Friday its so cool seeign the variety of markets from around the world I do love this challenge
And heck no I was never a teachers pet for sure I was tolerated by some because id well in the tests and helped raise their average pass rate LOL, a couple of teachers realized if they just gave me enough books to read on my own pace then I would be busy and not joking around or causing trouble LOL
Some of the brain teasers do catch me so no need for a special one for me :)
I am noticing where I am looking there are not to many ranch places so we will probably end up going for something with stairs, but you never know all depends on what is on the market when we are looking, and I don't have to worry about family, as we will be living in the same city with the family we have here so we can go smaller, but not too small, our grandkids have insisted we have at least one spare room so they can sleep over sometimes
Have a great weekend ;)
Well, I know that we have talked about this before but if you get up there and there is nothing it strikes your fancy, I would rent for six months to a year. Nobody's kicking you out so you have time. No yes! I thought New England only had two stories when I lived there but found some little cape cod's when I was old enough to drive around myself. Thank you for taking the time and the energy to visit around and I do love perusing everybody's posts like that. I'm excited that you will eventually be starting a new chapter in your life and I do realize that you'll be close to family and won't have the same issues that I do come however, however I am fortunate enough to be in the position where everyone comes to visit so I am happy about that.
Last words for me! Don't get something just because there's nothing you like on the market. You can wait. You've waited your entire life to get here and you might as well go out in a full regalia. No compromises. Well maybe a few but ... Have yourself a most wonderful weekend!
Its great that you have family that visit :) and of course that makes a big factor in what your looking for :)
yes that is a plus that when we start looking I do not need to rush, we have the place we are in now so can look and wait till we find something that will work for us, that is a big bonus for sure not to have any pressure, I know the chances of finding one that ticks of everything on our wish list is unlikely, but will take the time to try and find one that covers most of them :)
Not true!!! You may find something that is more incredible than you wished for. Although, I will say that I will NEVER buy a house in the winter as there can always be hidden things that don't show up until spring.
My own personal rule of thumb my daddy taught me. Buy on an incline or hill.During flooding (and our town in Connecticut was almost washed away by the flood of '55 as my dad called it! LOL) and the spring melt, your basement will thank you.
It is funny the things I have instant recall when it comes to all the things my dad says about houses and buying.Well, half the fun is looking.
Have a great day!
Ohh yes on an incline is a good point for sure, we are lucky where we are now even though we are well clear of any flood zones,
and yes Looking is fun for sure I am looking forward to that as well, and yes you may be right we may get lucky
Oh, we didn't live in a flood zone either, it just happens with lots of rain some years!
yes same here I have seen even in the complex I am in water close to going into some of the properties but never near our and I hope I am not tempting fate by saying this LOL
Have a super Sunday