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RE: Market Friday and The Cherry Blossom Parade

in #marketfriday6 years ago

Thank you so much! It's always a pleasure for me to be able to share any of my market Friday, but especially the parades! You really do need to come and experience one of their parades, although I can actually say that new you works are so legendary that the competition would be steep. I'm not sure but I can remember enjoying the heck out of the ones up there. Having said that these are different and their subjects are a little bit more patriotic based. Having said that I think I like all parades! Thank you so much for dropping your link as it makes it so very helpful for me! As always, have yourself a most wonderful weekend! Happy Easter in advance!



No thanks needed it is always my pleasure to visit your posts :) but this one stood out and you really captured the fun and thrill of this parade in your post :)

I have been to some of the NYC parades over the years, but the streets are so tight and the crowds can get crazy, so I find myself less wanting to go to them these days, but this spring and summer I plan to catch as many of our local smaller one sin Milford this year.

Well thank you so much for that! I actually think it's because I love the parade so much and I love capturing the fun, although that is not always possible. It looks better in my mind then it comes out in photos sometimes.

I know exactly what you are saying about the streets of New York City as I have been to many of their parades and their New Year's celebrations. I think I got frostbite one too many times out there waiting in the rain or the snow or the ice or all of them together at one time. I have thrown in the towel into that one and will only go to a New Year's celebration if it is from the balcony of a hotel room. As there are no balconies in the area, you know that will never happen again. LOL

The crabs to go crazy and I don't mind so much going to the ones in Washington DC as they seem to be spread out more, making it not seem quite as crowded. I'm with you on catching some of the smaller ones this year because honestly, the crowds seem to be more animated because they are not so agitated.

Yes if its something you love I to find the photos they are just that much more special, I went once for New years at Times Square i got there early about 5PM and it was far to crowded for me so I got the heck out of there and never will do that again

I much prefer the smaller ones they may not be as fancy but they have a nice homely charm to them

Oh, trust me! I've grown up and away from needing to be there. I used to love going there and I actually got a big adrenaline rush from being in that crowd. I could still do it but I'm over freezing to death! I've gotten wet and thrown up on, and I think that I have pretty much eliminated that from my to do list.

NOw a days I have to admit I am happy enough to watch it on TV nice and warm at home LOL
Really its just another day, made into such a big thing LOL or perhaps that just my excuse to avoid the chaos of New Years in Times Square LOL

Oh my God man! Don't tell me that you are giving in to the being old thing! I don't believe that for one moment. Well, maybe a little.

Heck no, my ideal New years would be an evening stroll on the beach with a nice big campfire and a small group of friends, I could happily walk the night through :) so not succumbing to old at all, Just wth Lulus health and me not being able to drink, celebrating New years out either in a crowded spot like Times Square or in a Pub/Restaurant or nightclub with people sloshing down the drinks getting rowdy while I am sitting there drinking water just isnt the fun it used to be LOL

So getting old in that my partying days are behind me yea, but other than that I will fight to not succumb to acting old for a long time, I am a teenager stuck in an approaching 60-Year-olds body LOL