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RE: Market Friday goes to the Kite Festival

in #marketfriday6 years ago

Thank you so much for the kind reply! It was so fun to sit and watch this wonderful event! I do so love to watch as they teach the kids how to build their own in the kite tent. They do so well in the teaching department!

It is an event that is fun for adults and children alike. If you look at the pictures, there are more adult than children attending! There never seems to be a dull moment and I have been going there for years. The pictures are okay, but, in person is amazing. Especially the dragon kites and the 3-D ones.

The weather was perfect and it was the perfect day FOR a perfect day! Thank you for stopping by #MarketFriday and I appreciate you taking the time to read and the lovely comment!

As always, I wish you a nice day!

#MarketFriday loves you!



It's great that there are so many adults who are children at heart :DDD Makes life more enjoyable!
Flying a kite seems to be much more technical than a simple child's play.