I saw the word pub and I was hooked. You may know that I am a bit of a geek for good signage and the first one is right up there.
33 and a 3rd is a great adress for an old record album company.
As for the other sign? I wouldn't repeat it in polite company 😂
That tag looks interesting too. Knowing someone has actually read the post rather than just skimming it?
I do love a sign lol as far as visiting pubs go. I can't remember the last time I was in a pub but I do like their signs.
I agree about the tag too. Pretty sure many rattle through posts as they 'think' it's a race!? I don't get that?
I think many miss the social aspect of this being a Social media site :)
Actually my last time in a pub, well a pub Restaurant was yesterday but just for lunch I had an exciting glass of water ;)
The murder mystery we attended last weekend at the manor house. Half the table including me were drinking water all evening. It was interesting to note. Not even a soft drink!
Thats interesting the crowd I used to hang with that would have been almost shocking LOL Maybe I need to find a new crowd if I ever get back into socializing and going out