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RE: I Know I Promised To Stop Telling Outrageous Lies

in #marketfriday7 years ago

Hilarious! Entertaining and Daring! Loved your little foray into the markets of dubious exchanges Keith. You can't be too trusting of these so called bean sellers even if they are wearing cool cowboy hats. How could you be really sure you were getting what you paid for because, as you know, there are people out there who have no qualms at all in stretching the truth when convenient? Ones mans beans is another mans bean-shaped, frost covered who knows what????? I wouldn't have allowed those beans to come anywhere near me as they remind me of one of my most hated veggies of all time.......I struggle to even spit out the name (broad beans) because this is what I used to resort to when my mother insisted I eat those thick skinned, tasteless vegetables. They and Brussel sprouts are avoided like the plague now that I am a big girl and can chose what to eat. But I digress.........I have to make a confession. I thought at first that Bessie was your wife......(although I do remember you referring to her by another name entirely in previous conversations,) buy hey, we all have our favourite nick names don't we? My apologies to your wife because I tell myself there is no way you would ever stoop to trading magic beans for the magic 'Mrs.' We have to take your word for it that your 'trip' to the markets ended satisfactorily for all concerned. There is only one thing missing in this blog. I would have doubled the value of your BTC's for a video of you moving around in full on stealth mode. Do me a favour and take Mrs Boone with you next time (instead of Bessie) so that she can capture you capturing your subjects to share with us.......your very trusting steemit friends.


I have to admit, Bessy kind of blew my cover, she was a little hard to hide! In any case, we won't be seeing her anymore!

I find the best way to stay incognito is to carry a little music player around, blasting out the theme song from Mission Impossible. Then I sort of duck and weave and make a very theatrical display of hiding behind pillars and so forth.

I'll have to ask Cathy to make a video next time.

Now I really do have to insist that Cathy go with you next time. I'm sure she has the skills of most women and is able to multi-task. So she can video Mr. Comlumbo .......sorry, I mean Tom Cruise whilst veering you away from those sexy fembots at the same time. (Not good for the concentration and you'd undoubtedly to blow your cover by getting too close to them ) You are a worry at times my friend. (:

Two out of three of the fembots were fake Trudee!

Very clever. I take it the one in the middle was the real deal?

Actually, it's three sequential shots combined in Photoshop. She walked through my shot while I was still trying to focus on the window. I had the camera set to fire a burst of three shots. Once I combined and flattened the three images into one, I ran it through a filter called "Mystery Girl" which added a little glowy mystery for lack of a better word :)

You’re so clever Keith. “Mystery Girl” is a good name for her.

The filter goes a long way towards hiding this person's face and identify. I know it seems as though you're seeing her face, but you'd be surprised how different it is from the original.... I hope so anyway. This poor girl didn't really need to be made "famous" by my nonsense story!