5 Minute Freewrite: talented idiot

in #marlians2 days ago

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Talented idiot. That's what we all are. Don't you think everyone has their own talent, in some way or another? If there's anyone you think doesn't have any talent, my guess is that person is a state of stunted development. I think a lot of people are walking around in stunted development. So much in our world tries to stop our natural growth, our natural development. Not necessarily physical (though that too, in some ways, for some folks), but mental, psychological. Stopping people from asking questions, stopping people from changing things for the better, stopping stopping stopping. Always stopping people. Trying to preserve this unnatural status quo for the benefit of the oppressors. The oppressor is also there in your own mind. When the oppressor voice is so strong that you cannot move, you are stunted. Maybe walking around as if in a daze, because your growth is so stunted, perhaps shriveled even, deprived of light and joy and acceptance and love. It's a shame and it can change, this world is in a constant state of development, but there are powerful forces that would have us believe that "it is the way it is." As if the way it is is not something we can change. What bullshit! Octavia Butler knew. Lots of people know. Do you know? Do you know that you can change the world? Do you know that you can make different choices, new choices, that you have power? That you can work with others to make bigger different choices? One person alone can still make impact but lots of people together can be a force.