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RE: Marriage? Not for me. Here's why..

in #marriage7 years ago

" Why don't you live in one place?
Why are we torture our children?
Why are we moving so much?"Hey @yasminep :))) I am with you girl. I am married, I love my boy , my kids and my life , but I was so happy to read your thoughts. I was feeling the same with those stupid stereotypes. We are traveling the world with our kids, and people think we are crazy.

Why don't you mind your goddamned business ???
I start thinking , if you have real friends , they will be happy for you no matter what. If they are not, they will said bad things , not because you are doing the things not right but because they wanna be in your place ;)

I will follow you :) Good luck with everything :)


I know it's nothing to do with me, but I LOVE the fact you're travelling the world with your kids. What an unbelievable experience for them. Just do you. Choose whatever path makes you feel good and happy. Thanks for your comment today! :-) I will check out your account too!