The Old Dog Discovers: John McAfee Trades in Steem!

in #mcafee7 years ago (edited)

Love Him or Hate Him, John McAfee is a Big Proponent of Block-chain Technology

While I enjoy watching his lectures in order to learn more about internet security the fact is that he is becoming a big player in the Bitcoin sphere. As a reference, please have a look at a recent article by @loggiaonfire "John McAfee Storms The Blockchain".

John McAfee is a huge proponent of block-chain currencies and a Steemit trader. Photo credit

Does John McAfee Use Steem?

As investors of time, energy and resources in we are all excited when the rich and famous confirm what we already know. That Steemit is state of the art technology, a platform worth trading and investing in and one that is very likely set to continue its meteoric rise to greatness! 

When I first started delving into the question as to whether or not John McAfee uses Steem I was disappointed to find the following two articles:

1.) I'm Convincing John McAfee to Join Steemit!

2.) I Called John McAfee & He Won't Join Steemit Because Of This Flaw...

In the second article above (which was written more than 1 year ago) the author @andrewdemeter claims to have phoned McAfee personally and was told that he wouldn't be joining Steemit because of its lack of liquidity. 

If you check @andrewdemeter's account you'll see that this obviously put him off of Steemit because despite the fact that he seemed set for Steemit greatness and success that was the last post that he ever made!

The Fact is That John McAfee Does Trade in Steem!

The clear evidence shows that while John McAfee does not seem to have an account that can be definitively attributed to him he DOES trade in Steem and here's the proof:

In this London 2017 lecture between the 3.10 and 3.20 mark, John McAfee specifically mentions trading in Steem!

Questions to Ponder

  • Who do you consider to be Steemit's most famous member? Max Kaiser? James Corbett? Jeff Burwick? The homegrown @papa-pepper? Someone else?
  • Who else would you like to see on Steemit?
  • Do you think that having famous people on Steemit takes away from other members doing well here or does it help us all by making Steemit more attractive and valuable?
  • Do you find it curious that @andrewdemeter stopped posting after McAfee told him that he wouldn't be joining Steemit?

I hope that you enjoyed this article proving that "John McAfee Trades in Steem!"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, if you upvote my post and leave a comment I will do my best to upvote it with some of my 41,000 plus Steem Power! 

There are 2 pages

Hmm, here goes another supporter of McAfee...I totally appreciate but have done enough research to understand: "buyers be ware" to know that this platform is another form of circle-jerk...

Again, I really appreciate this platform. Even fund my account. But. But, as an investment; no way. It's not getting very far...


Thanks for your great comment and input.

I'm not so sure if McAfee is an investor or just a speculative trader. In the video he mentions trading in many alt coins as part of his research into the eventual setting up or purchasing of an exchange. What I found interesting is that in mentioning only a few coins that he was "playing" with he singled out Steem.

Steem is unique in that "normal", non tech, crypto neophytes are "earning" it and becoming holders and investors in the alt currency sphere without even realizing it or needing to understand the technology behind it. Once here many get an education in blockchain technology while using this amazing blogging platform. is like a Trojan Horse that is getting a newly created currency into the hands of 10's of thousands, and potentially millions of people. Obviously some big players are taking notice of that.

You know what @kus-knee? I have not elaborated on the short comment above. Here are more detailed thought of Steemit:

  1. I first heard of Steemit through Gregory Manarrino and Bix Weir; two of several people I truly admire. As of mid-May I opened an account with Steemit. Low and behold, the crypto journey of my life has begun. Every questions I had regarding cryptocurrency was answered here. All I had to do was brave the courage to post question/help. Yes, you are very correct, Steemit is a unique place...very unique because I couldn't possibly gotten to where I'm at; blockchains knowledge without this platform. So, for that very reason, this is a jewel. I love it here. I love sharing my island here. I love the people I have met here. And I absolutely love getting a few pennies here and there. A Trojan Horse, it is!

  2. Being that I do have other altcoins and some really great ICOs, Steemit is part of my investment. Yes, I do plan on putting more money here so that I matter a little but here's where I miswritten; I treat Steem very differently than all other tokens because here is where I play. Here is where I get to interact with others. That's where other tokens I own doesn't do. It's so different here. I guess I enjoy it here so much that it's not like an investment but a social platform to place of love and joy.

  3. My greatest concern with Steemit is where the generated income coming from. Maybe you could help me with this puzzled question but the way I understand it is that it's generated from within. My concern with that is that at any moment the "whale/s" could pull the plug and all will be left butt hurt.

I'm not sure if it even make any sense to you because I was never the eloquent writer but I tried. Well, there it is in a 1-2-3 punch.

Thanks again for patience with a noobie. Have a wonderful day. Much mahalo. Aloha!

@islandliving my blog posts including my older posts about steem ecosystem explained your concern about: where the money come worries , steem ecosystem is amazing

Can you please add a link to them here?

wow, I have many posts about the ingenuity of steem ecosystem..would you please see my blog posts ( and send in your support )...some older links are
, , and many recent posts

Thank u. I read both. I'll keep it short:

Yes I too agree. I read somewhere that steem can be minted as much as owner wants, so it's unlikely that it will grow much.

And suppose it reaches 5$ or up then for new joiners it will be pretty hard to accumulate sp.

Even though they say sbd is pegged, I feel steem is also pegged.

Having big accounts and celebrities on Steemit might help with credibility on some level, as long as those "names" still loosely fit within the idea that this is an alternative to other social media.

On the other hand, just how "decentralized" and community driven is it if we end up with a handful of famous names earning 90% of the rewards for no reason other than "they are famous" while the people who have worked for months and even years publishing quality content end up with 1/4 of what they get now?

Seems to me that "big names" may just be a way to import the very problems and inequities Steemit was-- in a way-- created to escape from...

We actually don't need celebrities here in my opinion. I don't want to find the photo of Kardashian's ass with $1000 reward. Small, ordinary people will raise the steem, if you ask me.

Kardashian no but do you think that having someone like McAfee promote us would be good? If you look at famous crypto players like Max Keiser and Jeff Burwick, after huge initial payouts they are now more or less earning like normal bloggers.

That's why they will leave the steemit soon. But, we'll see. The only obstacle I see is the problem with on boarding new people on the platform. We don't need promotion or advertising here. Just bring on a million new users and steem will go to $10. Chess mate.

$10 Steem. That sounds good to me!

Stars may make more per post than the average joe but they BRING IN a lot of new users and investors of which INCREASES the value of $teem. Then we all win anyways!
Yes bring in the stars and check the ego!


Hahah you make a very good point actually !

You raise some great points. If you look at the famous member that i mentioned in this post, after an initial surge with huge earnings they have, for the most part made a moderate sum on their more recent posts. Time will tell what happens but I do share your concerns.

Now is the time to buy Steem during this dump!

I personally consider jerrybanfield a good proof of Steem quality, since he was on the internet business for quite a long time. I think it's interesting to see people like McAfee and other known names using or tranding steem, because it gives more value to the plattform, especially for those who doesn't know it... Anyway I just hope that if some famous people comes, like actors or so, they won't catch all the attention and kind of ruin the great community we have now on Steemit. I do understand @andrewdemeter, things seems to change so fast in crypto's world, anyway I personally believe in Steemit's great idea and plattform. Though I do consider an advice I found in a very wise guide on investements: "do not invest what you are not disposed to loose..."

Thanks @airmatti for your detailed comment. Yes you are correct @jerrybanfield is another big supporter of Steemit who has migrated here from other media platforms. Your investment advice is very wise.

I think it would take more development of Steemit to make it as user friendly as FB or Instagram to get celebrities to join. Being famous usually means being very busy and so unable to engage in the platform in any meaningful way. A YouTuber called @cinemasins joined for a bit but I think he gave up, having last posted a month ago. He didn't spend any time getting to know people and didn't offer exclusive content to Steemit folowers. He does great work on YouTube but it takes a while to find your feet in Steemit and people give up quickly.
I believe if you know a famous or seni famous person and can coach them in the way the community works so that they can train their followers ( sounding a bit like a pyramid scheme here lol) then they as a celebrity can do well on Steemit. It's still a very new platform and many people don't trust it because they don't understand it.

Great points @moderndragon!

We do have the "famous" in the crypto world that I mentioned in the post who are contributing on a regular basis. As censorship and demonetization increase more YouTubers will be "forced" to look for alternatives.

True. At this point I'm still being regarded as a weirdo sales person if I contact people though. hehe.
It's not a scam or clickbait! I promise! :D

Great post Old Dog... I like Max Kaiser and Jeff Berwick... I would love to see Vitalik Buterin here, but this will never happen, cause he's "working" on another decentralized social media (on the Ethereum blockchain)... and he's the Ethereum-guy... so, nada de nada.
McAffee is a really crazy, smart, psycho guy... last year I saw the documentary: "Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee" ... you should absolutly watch it... I don't know what to think about John McAfee, haha... you can find it online (Netflix, Amazon, etc.)

Great comment @steemitri! You are such a knowledgeable mannequin a a rising star here on Steemit!

Yes he's very wild and his life style is the opposite of mine but I respect his expertise in privacy and security issues. Crypto is like the wild west and it will be so easy to have your savings hacked away.

Thanks for the links.

Yeah... that's right, crypto is wild west, totally agree... and no doubts about his knowledge on privacy and security!
Ciao ciao

Celebrities joining will make Steemit valuable for sure but thing is steemit will become just like facebook and instagram where they will earn 1000 upvote just for a picture and the commons will hardly earn any even after working hard and posting valuable stuffs. As you can see how hard it has become for a minnow to get upvote ,i can feel the pain and i think it will become worse after some celebrity joins.

You make some good points and it could be very positive or even negative for many. Time will tell.

ha, that was in interesting insight to the topic! Thank you for sharing... still on my way to dig into all the mud out there... :-)

I think Steemit is still in its infancy. At least the platform should get a little matured to offer many more features, apps and ease of use for everyone before any celebrity joins up. A celebrity normally joins when a platform attains some maturity. Until then it's good if some one just mentions it or trade in it.

I'd like to see celebrated intellectuals from every field here. Whether they are some renowned scientists, researchers, philosophers, editors, senior journalists & columnists from prestigious media outlets, well known artists, reformers, activists ...well the list may go on to as many tags are there on Steemit or even more 😊. What I mean is I wanna see masters and authority figures from all spheres on Steem. How about that?

I like your ideas as to who you'd like to see here.

Thanks for questioning this. I think our cryptocurrency community has other heroes than the rest of the world. Do I really expect or desire to meet Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus or Lionel Messi here on steemit?? No, I dont!
I like to spend my time with very interesting people all over the world I met only here! For example @kus-knee.
But indeed I'd like some certain people join this platform, e.g. Ron Paul or some other libertarians, especially from Germany.

I agree with your way of thinking. I would like to see continued growth and adoption but not at the cost of the little guy who does produce quality being squeezed out. All the "famous" people that I mentioned in the article are of the mindset that you see.

As you write it would be good to have German "celebrities" as well as "celebrities" writing in other languages joining us.

Greeting to you in Munich @freiheit50 you have lots to teach and to share!

Brilliant brilliant - McAfee is a awesome company (oh well Intel now lol).

Who do you consider to be Steemit's most famous member? Max Kaiser? James Corbett? Jeff Burwick? The homegrown @papa-pepper? Someone else? Who are these people? Most famous @kus-knee @hilarski @surfermarly @twinner @ats-david @nextgencrypto

Who else would you like to see on Steemit? Stifler's mom

Do you think that having famous people on Steemit takes away from other members doing well here or does it help us all by making Steemit more attractive and valuable? We will see should it ever happen - depends on the marketing success of the steemit team and the celebs - however usually Celebs got paid to join such a platform and are rarely active then, saw it on other platforms too often

Do you find it curious that @andrewdemeter stopped posting after McAfee told him that he wouldn't be joining Steemit? I don't care :-)

Thanks for your insight and your other famous pics! @hilarski is definitely a BIG one!

They are all HUGE :-)

I think soon a lot of stars will join Steemit cos they will get a huge number of followers here, so they will be able to earn more. Their managers will post of their name like in social networks now. Anyway, time will show)))

I would like to see here more famous travelers and businessmen. It's always interesting to learn something new.🤗🤗

I would also like to see business people and travelers continue to promote their blogs here!

I never have been a big fan of celebrities. They certainly are not going to take the time to really interact with us small folk. And interaction is what I like best about Steemit :)

Who wouldn't want to interact with the Old Guy from @old-guy-photos?

as I wrote above:

"You raise some great points. If you look at the famous member that i mentioned in this post, after an initial surge with huge earnings they have, for the most part made a moderate sum on their more recent posts. Time will tell what happens but I do share your concerns."

I'm really curious about the future of this website, especially when it comes to celebrities signing in and starting to write content and to boost the value of Steem.

All we need is one or two really famous people who will join this website and promote it really well, and once people realize the possibilities they can have with this amazing website and community, the masses will join and the value of Steem will go really high.

Can't wait to see what the future has reserved for this amazing website, but one thing I kinda know - it's gonna be good!

Thanks for the article! :)

The growth here has been amazing and the third parts applications and interfaces are of great value!

I really like your posts and I really want to be great like you :)

Thanks for having a look!

If Mr. Nakamoto and Mr. Lee decided to trade in STEEM platform then we can see STEEM at moon!
Great article and thanks for sharing such interesting details with us!


Thanks for your valuable input!

I think it will just take a few people like him using and talking about steemit for it to really take off. The whales can buy them accounts to bypass the signup queue. The steemit site is almost in the Alexa top 2000. It's all coming together

Thanks @steevc for that info about Alexa!

You can track the current rank here or here

Thanks for the links. I've bookmarked them!

Who do you consider to be Steemit's most famous member? Max Kaiser? James Corbett? Jeff Burwick? The homegrown @papa-pepper? Someone else?

Many famous steemians, I can not decide who is the famous one.

Who else would you like to see on Steemit?

Satoshi Nakamoto, Nick Szabo, Steve Wozniak and Pope Franciscus. Wait..... Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un...

Do you think that having famous people on Steemit takes away from other members doing well here or does it help us all by making Steemit more attractive and valuable?

Yes, I think so

Do you find it curious that @andrewdemeter stopped posting after McAfee told him that he wouldn't be joining Steemit?

still thinking?????

Thanks for your input @happyphoenix!

the arrival of celebrities to steemit will be a good thing.but yet there are things to think about..anyway great post..there are things to think about :) good effort..hope you ll make us aware about these types of things in the future too :)

I agree that it could be good or bad or both!

Definitely worth an upvote and a resteem :)

Thanks for having a look!

Mark Zuckerberg is welcome here! Or Bill Gates! :))) (just a joke :)))
Otherwise, you are famous enough for me! Or @papa-pepper :)))
We do not need celebs (Hollywood actors, actresses or TV-celebs), but need such great people like Steve Jobs was(R.I.P.)
I do not understand @andrewdemeter...

@kelemandra is another famous Steemer!

Just because of @colorchallenge :)))

I am guessing that @grantcardone is the steemian who is most known in the world. @stackin could be next with over 150 k followers.
Upvoted and resteemed.

Thanks for your input!

Oddly enough @grancardone's last post didn't do well at all! I have seen him on YouTube.

If you see how less support he gets on steemit, espacially for the post you mentioned that seems nearly unbelivable.
You are very welcome :-)

The number of celebrities on Steemit is just going to increase. Once the daily user numbers will increase more and more will want exposure on the platform. As for John Mcafee he is a true genious in his own weird way and the fact that he trades Steem is awesome. Max Kaiser joining is also huge for Steemit. But more are coming soon I am sure of it ! Nice post !

Exciting times ahead!

That is for Sure :)

I would like an approach, in which all are equal here on steemit. whether famous or fashionable. just a part of this community.

You are a balanced person!

Thank you very much.

i guess no one would hate him but sometime he predict to much lol that's why may be hhahaha

Thanks for leaving your precious comment!

that is pretty good news to say for it
and not yet decided guess i have more to learn about the most famous person before saying the best of them :)

Good point


Great to see you again! you haven't been posting much lately. Great to see you are here again. Hope all is well.

Yes I think that celebrities are good for Steemit. They might make more and take more from the reward pool but they also bring in investors and new users. This increases the value of $teem and thus we ALL win!

We need to have consistent growth for the price of $teem to go up. New users and especially investors contribute to this!

Hey there. Yes we've had visitors from the other side of the pond and I've been acting as a tour guide. It's been a lot of fun but not much time for Steeming.

As long as your having fun!
Good to see ya again Dawg ;-)>

McAfee looks like al pacino and sexier haha!

There is a resemblance.

a very interesting post although I do not really understand about it because I just joined here but after I read your post I can understand a little about it
thank for sharing :)

I didn't know anything about this sphere about a year ago. Glad to read that your learning while using this awesome social media platform.

yes, I am very happy to join this community
can you help me post a bit :)

Thx, for this article, we need nice people on steemit. de rest will follow automatically.

There are so many nice people here including @rival!

Thank you for this compliment👍

Wow..another great and useful post by @kus-knee ( The old dog)
Wel done...perfect work..

Thanks so much!


As long as not all of the mindless youtubers with their "hilarious" videos join. I am fine with the popular/big guys joining... Especially investors that want to benefit the community!

This: "Especially investors that want to benefit the community!"

Everyone needs to STEEM, and they should not be afraid to spread the word and believe in it ! So JOHN; make your announcement :-) Thanks for this post, brings a lot awareness !

Yes he SHOULD jump on board the Steem Train!

Of course, there are more famous people on Steemite. This strengthens the credibility of the platform.

Therefore, we resteem your post.

These are exciting times here on Steemit!

lol really? omg MyAfee should be here. would be cool actually


Yeah I like the way he talks - he is a tough old dog :-D

When this account is closed. How is this money making

The account that I mentioned is not closed but inactive.

There's one account claiming to be chef Gordon Ramsay, but not listed in his site.

Yes there are quite a few bogus famous names registered.

Yes, this account drew my attention because it started following me out of the blue. He doesn't do that on Twitter.

He is not a player of the long term game. Good for us. :-) We will win.

I look forward to being part of a winning team.

I had never heard of him as I am not really a tech type person and don't understand much cyber talk but to know big players are interested in investing in steem is good news thanks for the article @kus-knee

Thanks for your input. I'm not much of a tech person either but since joining I've received quite an education.

Thanks for sharing @kus-knee. It is great to see you making an effort to get more people on Steemians!

It seems to be good news!

He has closed the account. But he has not opened the account for a year. Nothing is known about it. Thank you for sharing

I think that he should become active again.

you are right my friend kus-knee.


thanks so much! allabout

muy buen post amigo!!

nice video sharing,interesting

Thanks for having a look!

Hello mr @kus-knee
I look you very great in steemit
Can you help my introduction, iam newbie

I'm upvoting your latest article because I want to help you but you won't make many friends here by posting the same thing twice. You already posted the same introduceyourself article 12 days ago!

If you want success here make meaningful comments on other peoples posts and continue to post quality content on your blog. Perhaps write about your country, the landscape, the art, the architecture and other things that interest you.

Since you are big on soccer post about that.

All the best to you and welcome to Steemit!

Thank you for your advice and help
I will try to make the article as you suggest mr @kus-knee

@kus-knee Thank you for the function, I invite you to evaluate my function. Followed.
I have observed that when it appears poor, just stepping away to get a minute tends to make all the difference on the planet.

I have no idea what you just wrote but thanks for the visit!

Exactly! There are so many incredible artist in the fame. I loved the content you have chosen

Congratulations @kus-knee!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 6 with 120 comments

Thanks for the mention!

Great Words to live by!!!!

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