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RE: Aborted Fetal Cells- Used as "Flavor Enhancers" In Food...

in #medical8 years ago (edited)

This is a quick post I made on Steemit. It alerts anyone who does not know about this issue- that fetal cells are used in food & vaccines. It is a quick post. No I did not spend hours or days writing it & researching links for it. Anyone who reads it & is concerned or interested can do further research & reading on their own & make up their own minds.

I HAVE BEEN VERY MUCH INTO Reading & Researching WHAT IS REALLY in our food supply since 2001. That is 16 years now, that I have been Informing Myself on this matter. I did not post something that I had Just come across or know next to nothing about.

I am very much informed about what is really in our food & our vaccines. You may believe what you will & eat what will.


but you just believe what you what & keep eating shit & getting vaccinated
here are GMO fed Mice-

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