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RE: Medicine Card Monday #5 - My Gift To Steemit - May 7, 2018

in #medicinecardmonday7 years ago (edited)

Thanks, eagle, very powerful post. I appreciate the theme of your weekly initiative.

The intention of Love and Light is admirable, since many do not want to see the dark. When one actually matures within the community, if they mature then they realize that there is darkness just as there is light.

I did not realize the historical context and meaning of the phrase "Love and Light," and had previously thought of it more as simply wishing positivity and pleasant experiences for someone. After reading the background I can see why it would be rejected in spiritual philosophy, and I certainly understand your instinct to cringe at certain phrases.

So, if a person thinks he is something does that make it true? I guess there will be those that argue that point as well, that yes because they feel it to be true then it is. Fortunately, my life experience keeps me away from those that think so highly of themselves and I move along.

That last line gave me a chuckle. I feel it should be clear that simply because one identifies themselves a certain way, that does not make it so. I think you couldn't be more correct in your assessment and your approach to handling those folks.

As we know there are serious changes taking place worldwide, there are countries being overrun, there is mass atmospheric unrest and quite literally a global war going on. Isn't that why many of us are here? We want this change to happen, many of us are tired of the old way of doing things and allowing those in power to lose their grip of control over us. We do not want to be slaves any longer!

Yes, yes, yes. I feel it so deeply I could scream it. We are all so clearly slaves to the system of credit and debt, as well as the prison, military, and police industrial complexes, yet so many refuse to see it or address it. It seems overwhelming but the only hope is too keep pushing. Steemit and other cryptocurrency communities really give hope in terms of an alternative economic future and really a possibility for true freedom.

The Invitation
You are called to create and dream your life, to act on inspiration and divine impulse without fixating on a known story of success or achievement.

This is something I have been experiencing more of and want to continue doing so. The entire Invitation resonated with my observations of others and myself.

The Medicine

The Medicine made me think of certain parts of my life. Very true and very motivating. Again this message really makes sense for me, and is something I continue to work on. While I can appreciate "let it go," I have found that "be here now" makes more sense for me. While saying similar things, they are certainly different. Being here now allows me to focus on the present and my current self/situation, while not forgetting prior lessons learned.

Thanks again eagle, as you can see this piece clearly made me think.


wow, that is an amazing comment and so very lovely. i thank you so much for your details appreciation for my reading and i cannot express in enough words how kind you are for doing this. if you ever need a personal reading you can find me on discord. otherwise i will posting the complimentary for steemit every monday! :)
sounds like you are doing great pulling messages out of the weekly for sure.