Medicine Card Monday #5 - My Gift To Steemit - May 7, 2018

in #medicinecardmonday7 years ago (edited)

Mystical Shaman


Happy Monday to all that choose to visit this weekly initiative that I call Medicine Card Monday.

Some of you may read my work regularly and know that I somewhat cringe at certain phrasing such as "Love & Light," "I'm an Empath," or the now oracle cards I occasionally use have the word "Shaman."

Many of these terms became hawt words because if we believe in a collective consciousness then we know that sometimes within our human race we may sometimes catch on to things others are doing and saying. However, this does not mean that we necessarily have these abilities.

The intention of Love and Light is admirable, since many do not want to see the dark. When one actually matures within the community, if they mature then they realize that there is darkness just as there is light. In regards to being an empath, the reality is the only 15 percent of the entire world's population are empathic and then there are those who have specific traits within this ability that bring the percentage even lower.

This brings me to the fact that the term shamanism was originated in Russia and traveled through to China and Tibet. (See Source) The practice included witchcraft and worship of evil spirits. Some may love to argue that they are a witch or they are a shaman and sometimes go dark but remain in the light. There are tons of different categories people may place on their soul.

Since this is my blog then I will say that in my opinion each soul has a right to be whomever they wish to be. This is called free will, however, I prefer honesty. So, if a person thinks he is something does that make it true? I guess there will be those that argue that point as well, that yes because they feel it to be true then it is. Fortunately, my life experience keeps me away from those that think so highly of themselves and I move along.

My point in writing all of this is because I pulled an interesting card this week for Steemit. The title being Mystical Shaman. I felt the necessity to clarify that I do not practice witchcraft, shamanism, or anything on the dark side. I am an empath of varying degrees most specifically one that assists in revealing what a human soul really is on the inside. Native speak the word is called heyoka, and what my people call Medicine.

My Medicine Card Monday initiative is my positive intention to pull a card of healing or medicine for the community. This is different than tarot in that the cards I use are on the medicinal aspect of humanity other than the most common cards found in a tarot deck.

The decks I use are from the Medicine Cards that work with Spirit Animals, Mystical Shaman Oracle Cards, and the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards. The cards will assist in helping those interested, find comfort in things going on in our community and the world we are now dealing with. Namely, issues around the world, atmospheric, or overcoming health issues of all sorts, etc., maybe just something out of balance that we are feeling on any particular day.

By pulling a card for Steemit this will in turn assist with my Medicine training, give back to the community, and help those seeking answers. I will take some of the reading from guidebooks provided with the cards, but also give intuitive and medicinal words to help our community. We all have days when we need encouragement, inspiration, and comfort.

The card I picked for the week of May 7, 2018, is as follows:

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The Card

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

Starting in a sacred space with a clear mind and body I pulled Number 38, The Mystical Shaman from the Mystical Shaman Oracle deck by Alberto Villoldo, Colette Varon-Reid and Marcela Lobos.

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The Reading

The Essence

The Mystical Shaman is the symbol of the myth-maker and storyteller who is neither made of nor defined by the story. This card represents someone who observes, evolves and perceives all aspects and represents the ability to dream a news story, myth, into becoming reality.

I have felt this way about Steemit from the time I first heard about it, it took me almost a year to get an account going, but in truth there is so much creativity here and we all have the ability to define our story. Make this platform become something amazing.

The Mystical Shaman dances between worlds, wearing a cloak of the world loosely around the shoulders and sings the world into being. This card reminds all of us to be in the world and travel through it, but not to become defined by it.

As we know there are serious changes taking place worldwide, there are countries being overrun, there is mass atmospheric unrest and quite literally a global war going on. Isn't that why many of us are here? We want this change to happen, many of us are tired of the old way of doing things and allowing those in power to lose their grip of control over us. We do not want to be slaves any longer!

The card that was pulled is the symbol of true alchemy, for all elements of life have a spiritual aspect. If a person denies this, then where will you be --- what will you become? When we remember this, all manner of miracles and manifestations are possible. Remember, we are all soul beings and with that comes some type of spiritualness.

The Invitation

When the Mystical Shaman appears, you're invited to consider the ability to live without attachment. You are called to create and dream your life, to act on inspiration and divine impulse without fixating on a known story of success or achievement.

As a human we continue to evolve and with that comes responsibility. We can keep creating and evolving, but do not get caught up in ego.

Can you impartially observe the stories you tell yourself and others? What if you could become a mystery to yourself? Who would you become if you stopped telling the tales that have defined you up until now?

Have you noticed how some people repeat themselves over and over and continue to promote them-self only? Every time you talk to that person it is about their life, their blog post, their issues? What about making a change and listen to others or be interested in what others have to say?

You do not have to live in a story that has roots in the past. What if there was no need to explain you to anyone, not even to yourself?

The way to your most extraordinary life is to become a blank slate and allow the form of your dreams and desires to show up, as it will. This is a sign of manifesting life beyond your wildest dreams.

The Medicine

Be careful what you pray, request, or ask for. the Mystical Shaman cautions you against relentless attachment to a certain form that you think will make you happy, prosperous, famous, loved, etc. In seeing your dream come into reality, had you considered the sacrifice?

Perhaps you have been telling yourself the same old story for so long -- the story that if you only had this or that then you would be happy. Maybe you have not noticed you are no longer that person that wanted those things. You may have moved beyond that old story.

It is time to admit that you need to imagine a new story that is in more alignment with who you have become. This is just one moment in a millions of moments in the continuum of life.

Let it go.

Let it be just a story, and move on.

Better tales are waiting to be told.

This ends the message from the Medicine card I pulled today.

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I hope you liked the reading for this week. If so, please leave a comment below. I'd love to hear what you think (but not if you think it's all BS!) That's typical Eagle Spirit humor right there.

If you would like a personal 1 or 3 card Medicine Card reading the fee is:

1 SBD or 1 STEEM (If you deem the reading worth more, it will be happily accepted!)

You can find me on Discord under the same name Eagle Spirit #4491.

Have a glorious week and come back next Monday for another Medicine Card reading! Peace.

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Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine Woman in training, first time blogger since November 2017, right here on Steemit, paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, energy work, and the Spirit World. If that’s you, please say hello!
See you soon, @eaglespirit

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Interesting eagle! Honestly this is something very new to me though I too believe in the spirituality. I like what you are doing for the community. There's so much power and strength from you in this post!

I will take this from you:

It is time to admit that you need to imagine a new story that is in more alignment with who you have become. This is just one moment in a millions of moments in the continuum of life.

Thanks dear :)

hey happy! thank you for stopping by and grabbing what you did. :)
blessings my girl

Reading this was helpful for me to look at. I've been thinking similar thoughts. Though.. Some of my story seems really hard to let go of, if not impossible. I am trying to build something new.. Though not sure I could forget certain things.

the reality is the only 15 percent of the entire world's population that are empathic

If that's true that's frightening. No wonder it seems like so many people don't care much. But.. Hey.. I guess I suppose it's actually higher than I might have thought. At least it's not like 1 to 5%!

Have you noticed how some people repeat themselves over and over and continue to promote them-self only? Every time you talk to that person it is about their life, their blog post, their issues? What about making a change and listen to others or be interested in what others have to say?

Indeed.. I talk about myself sometimes, but I try to post mostly about larger issues with the world, and I wish more people did that too.. Though unfortunately most peoples social media pages seem to be all about themselves. If more people just started helping others more I think that'd be a great start!

Thanks for another interesting card reading! Seems like each time I read your post there's some kind of wisdom there for me to learn if I look. :) Great work!

wow what a beautiful comment and i love what you write when you are commenting on posts. it means a lot to me that you took something from the reading and applied it. you can do it!! letting go of the idea of who we think we are and who we truly are after growth is not easy. hugs
you are a truly kind and sweet person and im so happy to know you.

Thanks for the nice words and the hugs eaglespirit. :) That was touching to read. And I feel very similar about you! I'm glad to get to know you! You seem like a really unique and interesting person and it's been a pleasure so far. Looking forward to getting to know you more in the future too! internet hugs back

without you, i have to honestly say i may never have asked for funds. it has been a huge block, and you helped me push past it. i've now had 3 and that was something i was telling myself .. my old self. the new self is getting there with the help of those like yourself. i feel totally the same way about you and you are encouraging so many of us. look at Jan with his new initiative too. you are an amazing person, kind soul and i look forward to getting to know you more too. be well and ttys! :)

Thanks, eagle, very powerful post. I appreciate the theme of your weekly initiative.

The intention of Love and Light is admirable, since many do not want to see the dark. When one actually matures within the community, if they mature then they realize that there is darkness just as there is light.

I did not realize the historical context and meaning of the phrase "Love and Light," and had previously thought of it more as simply wishing positivity and pleasant experiences for someone. After reading the background I can see why it would be rejected in spiritual philosophy, and I certainly understand your instinct to cringe at certain phrases.

So, if a person thinks he is something does that make it true? I guess there will be those that argue that point as well, that yes because they feel it to be true then it is. Fortunately, my life experience keeps me away from those that think so highly of themselves and I move along.

That last line gave me a chuckle. I feel it should be clear that simply because one identifies themselves a certain way, that does not make it so. I think you couldn't be more correct in your assessment and your approach to handling those folks.

As we know there are serious changes taking place worldwide, there are countries being overrun, there is mass atmospheric unrest and quite literally a global war going on. Isn't that why many of us are here? We want this change to happen, many of us are tired of the old way of doing things and allowing those in power to lose their grip of control over us. We do not want to be slaves any longer!

Yes, yes, yes. I feel it so deeply I could scream it. We are all so clearly slaves to the system of credit and debt, as well as the prison, military, and police industrial complexes, yet so many refuse to see it or address it. It seems overwhelming but the only hope is too keep pushing. Steemit and other cryptocurrency communities really give hope in terms of an alternative economic future and really a possibility for true freedom.

The Invitation
You are called to create and dream your life, to act on inspiration and divine impulse without fixating on a known story of success or achievement.

This is something I have been experiencing more of and want to continue doing so. The entire Invitation resonated with my observations of others and myself.

The Medicine

The Medicine made me think of certain parts of my life. Very true and very motivating. Again this message really makes sense for me, and is something I continue to work on. While I can appreciate "let it go," I have found that "be here now" makes more sense for me. While saying similar things, they are certainly different. Being here now allows me to focus on the present and my current self/situation, while not forgetting prior lessons learned.

Thanks again eagle, as you can see this piece clearly made me think.

wow, that is an amazing comment and so very lovely. i thank you so much for your details appreciation for my reading and i cannot express in enough words how kind you are for doing this. if you ever need a personal reading you can find me on discord. otherwise i will posting the complimentary for steemit every monday! :)
sounds like you are doing great pulling messages out of the weekly for sure.

Manifest Destiny... beautiful card to pull.

yes, thank you so much! blessings to you bro bro

I realise that there are a lot of people who like to label themselves so that they can belong .

And often times, being honest (even though it is hurting) can be a great step of healing in one's body, mind, and soul.

Steemit has become a great place to learn to express with that awareness as how it is created: our stories remains in the blockchain forever (as long as there is power and Internet that is)

And I suppose when one person truly understands that, every word, wish, prayer that is expressed in this blockchain becomes something that could be truly meaningful (for self and others) in the long run.

Very interesting insights from your Shamman card break down. I never realised it originated in Russia.


ahhahahah i loveeee your as long as we have internet comment. you are right on!!
i agree about steemit totally. thanks for your kind support.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Woow nice post its really great post
I like this post

Thanks @eaglespirit

thanks! are you really a robot? 😮🤣

This AND the full moon ask for letting go of attachment, thank you.

maybe even jupiter in opposition ...

Another medicine Monday! Thanks for sharing this ES. xxx

yes it tis! thank you for your lovely support! :)

You're welcome :)

hope you are having a happy saturdayyyyy ....! gotta go visit your blog! boooooommmmmm

Hahahah! Take your time! ^^ xx

i got there finally :p

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sending my love but i'm not going to comment much because I'm not very familiar with card readings. But I believe that it is still interesting to read a different perspective of how to apply the reading in real life

thank you asia!! yes many diff aspects to a reading. i appreciate your love and kind support. :)

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thank you so much my favorite choo choo!! love you all

thank you for the referral, not sure they came by ... ahahah

she's my partner, trying to get her more active on steemit and knew she'd appreciate this.

how sweet! thank you :)

This card reminds all of us to be in the world and travel through it, but not to become defined by it.

Thank you for this post. My anxiety has been on a rampage this week, and I've been trying to step back, to witness my human self from an expanded place. I do not define myself as pagan or shaman, or any one label, though I have adopted practices from many natural traditions, including studying Peruvian Incan Shamanism. This has helped me discover who I am, redefining myself as I change and flow.

Yes, some of these traditions have dark sides, especially in their histories, but it has been my experience that most practicing them now choose to turn towards the light (the people I know, anyway). That said, this world is yin/yang. The dark teaches us, helps us to grow. Cliches like "love and light" try to simplify ideas that are too complex to be explained in a few words, and I think they lose their power when we forget the fullness, and speak without intention.

I agree that we are dreaming a new reality into being, and that old stories must be released if they no longer serve. I also agree with the importance of remembering that this human experience is only one part of who we are. As the tradition of shamanism I studied says, "Live with one foot in this world, and one in the next." May we sing the colours of the rainbow bridge into this world, to help heal the hurts and bring more peace to the collective.

whoa this is a great comment, and so thoughtful. i am very thankful that you got something out of this, i have been getting a bit more anxiety myself lately. my feeling is that it was the jupiter coming into the sun sky, but thats just me. i am sensitive to astronomical changes. also what is going on in hawaii.
i'm glad that what you have found works for you, IMO it does not work that way for everyone. only in that as i have expressed in my writing i do not read i that way. some are okay with it, some are not.
in my experience, not all turn to the light and many do not practice it though they say the are. i feel that even though people can speak with intention, they are not powerful enough to understand. people play with powers they do not fully understand nor have the gift.
also, please remember that i was doing the reading for steemit in general. this is a very general reading and yet hopefully some comfort for those in need.
it sounds as if you know some things and unless it is a personal reading it may not quite fit. this is more for the community as a whole and working together what we can achieve.
this is interesting because those phrasings you use at the end are not the meaning i was taught. lol
see how things can be so cleverly placed in a different translation and teaching?
i am learning from native americans and maybe you can be learning from a different tribe or people. or people who learned from a tribe (maybe). its all interesting in the end. rainbow bridge also has a different meaning to my people. oh well ... such is life. :)
my intention is to bring medicine to those in need and as you first started out your analysis, it appears that this helped your anxiety and that is always what i am looking for. i am also a reiki master teacher so my messages are infused with real medicine and after having a clear space this is very important for me to be able to share with others. be well.

Yes, meanings can be so different for people, depending on the perspective and origin. I realize you were writing this as a general reading, and I was simply sharing my own thoughts, to make a connection with you on a personal level. I have woven ideas from many traditions together into something that works for me, so the "rainbow bridge" to me helps bring energy from the unseen into this physical manifestation. Yes, it is a different tradition, for sure, so different wordings. The rainbow bridge for many I think is the crossing over from life into the beyond. Sorry if that usage was confusing. And I haven't gone that far on the shaman's path. Honestly, I didn't feel called to continue, just took the teachings that resonated and moved on. For me, the most important part of this reading is to remember that this body and this human experience is only part of who I am, and to let go of repeated stories that are not part of the dream I wish to weave into reality. 💖

cool! i like the last sentence you wrote very much! :)