THE PERFECT PAUSE - Chapter One - Meditation is Liberation

in #meditation3 years ago (edited)

Chapter Intro

If you missed the introduction post to this series you can read it here.

One feature of the book that I consistently get good feedback from readers on are the blank pages after each chapter. These blank pages allow you to take notes as you read along.

Since this is edition will published on the blockchain I encourage you to get a stack of blank paper or a notebook to use to take your own notes as you read along with this series. This will allow you to reap all of the benefits of the book and allow it to have the most impact.

At the end of each chapter there is a “Putting It Into Practice” section that will prompt you to take notes and, for some chapters, will include meditation exercises.

As always, list any questions you might have in the comments below.

Chapter One

Meditation is Liberation

You may have been drawn to meditation for a variety of reasons: to reduce stress; to heal from anxiety or depression; increase productivity; or just create a better life for yourself. The beauty of meditation is even if you begin your practice for a specific reason you will quickly start to experience unforeseen benefits in all areas of your life. What I’ve learned is meditation has the uncanny ability of seeking out exactly what is broken or unbalanced within you and fixing it. This allows you to become the best version of yourself, the greatest gift you could give the world.

The series of events that led me to meditation began when I was in my early twenties. My diet was bad, I wasn’t exercising, and I was making poor life choices until eventually, a terrible depression set in. I was going to college at that time and ended up dropping out rather than subject myself to the embarrassment of panic attacks during presentations or class discussions. The panic attacks grew to be so random and so severe that I eventually stopped socializing and became afraid to leave the house. This crippling limitation that appeared to come into my life so suddenly baffled and angered me.

In hindsight I understand that anxiety and depression actually took root in my psyche over several years. Each time I backed away from a fear and didn’t stand up to it the fear got a little worse and gained a little more power over me until the point it had full control.

One summer night, in the middle of a deep sleep, I had an experience that forever changed my life. At the time the extraordinary experience left me with more questions than it did answers. Over twenty years later I’m just beginning to understand it. Although I’m not ready to share the full details of this experience yet I can say that I’m sure it was the catalyst that led me to this spiritual path. It was terrifyingly transformative, consciousness-expanding, and in hindsight very sacred. Afterwards I developed an intense curiosity for all things spiritual and an unwavering desire to fight against anything that was holding me back from living my best life.

In the following months I spent countless hours reading self help books, some of which were slightly beneficial but only provided a temporary fix. After a few months of searching I was drawn to a small book on meditation in a local bookstore and it changed my life. I developed a regular meditation practice and stuck to it faithfully every day, even if it was only fifteen minutes.

Soon an idea came to me. I began to desensitize myself to the panic attacks by purposely putting myself into situations that I feared would trigger the anxiety and panic. Each time I did this I became stronger and the anxiety and panic attacks became less severe until they eventually subsided and I started to get my life back.

What I quickly learned is meditation is the best way to liberate you from whatever barriers are keeping you from being the absolute best version of yourself. We have simply forgotten how awesomely powerful we really are. Through the gift of imagination and the intelligence to bring our ideas to fruition, there is literally nothing in this world that we can’t accomplish. Ask yourself, what would you attempt in life if you knew, in your heart, that you could accomplish anything? How would you live each day of the rest of your life if you had no fear of failure?

The sad truth is many people in life come close to achieving their true potential. One reason is that there are many external roadblocks that prevent us from relearning how powerful we really are. But none of these external barriers can compare to the damage we inflict on ourselves, often subconsciously, through negative self talk. Most of us are truly our own worst enemies when it comes to living the life of our dreams. Meditation will quickly make you aware of the quality of your inner thoughts and how they impact you.

As you begin a daily meditation practice you will also start to notice that you are so powerful that your own inner thoughts and expectations are creating your reality in nearly every moment. If you constantly dwell on negative thoughts you will have a horrible day. Think good, positive thoughts, and despite what life throws at you, it is easier to find your calm center and work through the challenges more quickly and easily. Perception is so vital to our happiness and success that I’m devoting an entire chapter to it later in the book.

"As you begin a daily meditation practice you will also start to notice that you are so powerful that your own inner thoughts and expectations are creating your reality in nearly every moment."

Before I found meditation, negative self talk looped in my head almost constantly. By continually thinking negative internal thoughts and constantly comparing ourselves to others, many of us fall into a rut of sabotaging the quality of our own life experience.

“I’m not smart enough.”,

“I’m not as good looking or successful as they are.”,

“This certain person doesn’t like me.”,

“This idea will never work.”

Sound familiar?

Nelson Mandela said, ”Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”

This quote is important because I’ve come to realize that subconsciously most of us know exactly how powerful we are and it terrifies us. Why? If we admit that we have the power to transform ourselves and accomplish anything in life it’s impossible to blame anyone or anything else for our own unhappiness.

"If we admit that we have the power to transform ourselves and accomplish anything in life it’s impossible to blame anyone or anything else for our own unhappiness."

Pause and think about this for a moment.

Most of us have heard of the word, “institutionalized” and know its meaning but few of us realize that we have become institutionalized ourselves. Nothing illustrates this concept better than my favorite film, “A Shawshank Redemption.” As unbelievable as it seems, it is common for prisoners who have been incarcerated for decades, when released, to find themselves unable to deal with freedom. Freedom terrifies them. Some even end up breaking the law to get back into prison. These people, who at first grieve because their freedom has been taken from them, strangely begin to find security and comfort behind the bars that keep them in bondage.

"As unbelievable as it seems, it is common for prisoners who have been incarcerated for decades, when released, to find themselves unable to deal with freedom. Freedom terrifies them. Some even end up breaking the law to get back into prison. These people, who at first grieve because their freedom has been taken from them, strangely begin to find security and comfort behind the bars that keep them in bondage."

The same phenomena occurs in our daily lives. When we’re young, most of us have clear dreams and aspirations but if we’re not mindful, as the ocean erodes the sand, the routines of life slowly wear our dreams away. After a few years our dreams are pushed back into the farthest corners of our minds and are likely labeled as naive illusions.

As our daily routines literally become etched onto our brains, even though we may be miserably unhappy in our lives, we lose our ability to even imagine a different way of living. We become so dependent upon the routine itself that we forget that other options that would make us far happier exist and are just a decision away!

As you will experience, meditation is many wonderful things but first and foremost it is a process of relearning who we really are and unleashing the awesome power that each and every one of us possess. We are like sleeping giants that merely have to be awakened.

Putting It Into Practice

Let's take a moment to assess your strengths and weaknesses.

What are you really good at?

What things about yourself would you like to improve?

What are your personal and professional goals for the next year?

List the answers to these questions in the Notes page at the end of this chapter. After a few months of meditation practice, revisit these notes and use them as a guide to see how far you’ve progressed in your development.

Link to purchase The Perfect Pause

All for now.

With Gratitude,

Eric Vance Walton

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Poetry should move us, it should change us, it should glitch our brains, shift our moods to another frequency. Poetry should evoke feelings of melancholy, whimsy, it should remind us what it feels like to be in love, or cause us to think about something in a completely different way. I view poetry, and all art really, as a temporary and fragile bridge between our world and a more pure and refined one. This is a world we could bring into creation if enough of us believed in it. This book is ephemera, destined to end up forgotten, lingering on some dusty shelf or tucked away in a dark attic. Yet the words, they will live on in memory. I hope these words become a part of you, bubble up into your memory when you least expect them to and make you feel a little more alive.

Pick up a copy of Ephemera today on Amazon.

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Most of us have experienced a moment of perfect peace at least once in our lives. In these moments we lose ourselves and feel connected to everything. I call these mindful moments. Words can’t describe how complete they make us feel.

These moments are usually fragile, evaporating in seconds. What if there was a way to train your mind to experience more of them? It’s deceptively easy and requires nothing more than a subtle shift in mindset. My new book, Mindful Moments, will teach you to be much more content despite the chaos and imperfect circumstances continuing to unfold around you. Upgrade your life experience today for only $15.99 on

Let’s Keep In Touch


Panic attacks are no joke. I thought I was having a heart attack the first time. Then of course that just made it worse because I was panicking that I was having a heart attack. :P I tend to only get them at night and it has been fairly infrequent, so I am thankful for that. My wife's breathing exercises have helped a lot. I am curious, since you wrote this so long ago (five years) are you now ready to share that experience that started you on your path? No pressure, I was just curious.

You can say that again. Panic attacks can be completely debilitating if gone unaddressed. I'm glad you're able to keep yours under control with the breathing exercises. Any idea what triggers them in your case? I'm not quite ready to share the details of that publicly just yet but all I can say is it was wild, beyond comprehension really. One day, when I'm ready, I may write a book about it.

I can respect that. I look forward to reading it some day. I think the first time I had one I was staying in a hotel somewhere so it might have just been waking up in a strange place. I only get them at night and usually they are triggered by a bad dream or in a couple cases bad weather while we were in our camper. A tree fell and narrowly missed hitting the trailer. It just amazes me how it drains all the energy from you. Like I am worthless for a good hour or two after one just to recover.

It can totally drain you. The boost is cortisol alone can just completely wipe you out. Storms can be pretty bad in that region. The Twin Cities area here in Minnesota is usually a little more tame. I remember some really hellacious thunderstorms in Ohio in the mid-1970's.

Fascinating and brave to share. My path is not dissimilar from yours & spirituality has also been a steadying force in my life—specifically, mysticism.

I am, of course, very interested in the experience that served as a catalyst for your transformation, if you’re ready to share it here or privately (email?)

Thank you! Do you follow Sufism? That is fascinating to me. I'm not quite ready to share that catalyst just yet but maybe someday soon. A Happy Birthday is in order according to another social media platform (of which I won't mention here)! Happy birthday to you my friend. I hope your day is filled with wonderful things. Stay away from McDonalds. : )

Hah, yes, guilty of another spin around the sun… Speaking of whirling, yes, Sufism means the world to me: Love, Poetry, G_d … But, these things hardly withstand translation and, in such depths, we are mere amateurs. Are you interested in Islamic mysticism?

I can recommend a book or two, if so.

(No McDonalds, but would you believe we had chick fillet —however you spell that. It was good, but now tummy aches. Two servings of cake didn’t help…)


The best version of yourself is your greatest gift to the world. Very true. You have the right words that can motivate the best in anybody. Thanks for posting and I do write too, check my post @blackman15

I just listened to this video on 3Speak on how to persuade anyone. He mentions how to persuade people to buy your book.

Wow, that's really excellent @littlescribe! Thanks again!

Make sure you thank the author too! I'm sure he'll appreciate knowing his content was appreciated.

I'll be sure to do that!

Awesome, thank you! I’ll check it out!

Hi Eric, nice to see you again... You are right that meditation can avoid us from stress and failure in life. Many people like meditation like Buddhist monks. I've never tried meditation by myself. I will only complain to God if I am stressed or experiencing life's failures. One of the things that can make me relieve stress in my life is to look at others who have many shortcomings such as by looking at people with disabilities. Have a nice day.

Hey Eliana, I hope you've been well!

Meditating is something that I should start doing, I feel that lately my reluctance has gained, and I see that I lack more productivity; These are points that motivate me to start meditation.
I appreciate very much that you share these experiences and guide to start with the meditation
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoonHello dear friend @ericvancewalton good afternoon.

Thanks and I hope you give it a try! If you do, I'd love to hear about your progress. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

Yes, I have to organize and allocate a time to start measuring every day, I feel the need now, it is like everything weighs more on me, it is a new sensation of these last weeks
I take this opportunity to wish you a happy start to the week

Indeed, many of us do not know the power that is within us, at this time we need a motivation or someone who understands the power that exists to awaken it within us, this usually happens because of a lack of self-confidence, as you said, we just need to wake up the sleeping giant.

So very true, @adson. All we need is a spark to reignite us, sometimes that spark is adversity.

You should come tomorrow. I think you'd like it. Thanks for the votes, btw. You are super generous to think of me. I appreciate it. We talk about meditation a lot. It's how I got to what I can do now.

It would be fun to interview you sometime. About your book, and about meditation and manifesting.

You're very welcome! I'll try my best to make it and if I can't tomorrow I will definitely plan on joining at a later date. Thanks for thinking of me!

Wait, this is YOUR book! How awesome. I was reading your comments about it, and I was like, he sounds like he wrote it or something. Then scrolled up to see the author on the picture. LOL. This is so awesome! I'll be sure to share this on my page.

Yes, this is one that I published in 2017. I was so thrilled to get Leon Logothetis' support of it. That's around the time the Kindness Diaries were just taking off on Netflix. It's a super basic/beginners guide. A huge opportunity surfaced to work on a screenplay shortly after I was launching this and the promotion of the book kind of fell by the wayside and sales suffered. Thanks for sharing!

Not sure who Leon is. I just got into meditation this year. But I'm super impressed with all you aim to do. I kind of wish we had more like you on planet earth.

Comparing ourselves to others

This is the most important enemy of quality of our own life. Perhaps, it is because most of us has been brought up in this way; comparing to children at school or neighbours' children, or cousins... They didn't accept children as they are...

There is another consciousness similae to this;

What would they(others) say?

It means that you should behave according to others, whether they approve or not is critical 😁

Thanka for the Chapter One.

You're welcome! Yes, anything that takes your focus off of your own development is a barrier!

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