Removing Emotional Blocks with a free Angel Meditation

in #meditation7 years ago

In our busy lives, emotional issues can get pushed to the back of the mind as we press on with all that we need to do.

However, if we ignore our inner feelings, they come back and bite us in ways that can be hard to understand.

Anger - stubbing your toe, walking into things, sarcasm and other behaviours are usually the sign of repressed anger. 

Fear- always telling others to be careful, trying to hard to please, and avoiding "dangerous" behaviour (or fun) to controlling behaviour can be a sign of too much repressed fear. 

And then there is grief, and worry and a whole range of other emotions that may actually be controlling our lives, even while we think we are keeping them in check. 

This meditation works with Archangel Michael to help you to release any strong or unexpressed emotions that are affecting your life. 

Caroline Nettle is also a BodyTalk practitioner and can help to remove excessive emotions like grief, anger, depression and fear in her sessions. If you would like to find out more, please go here - BodyTalk Sessions with Caroline Nettle 

Here is what one of her clients said

Dr Maya Spencer, UK

I have been receiving Body Talk sessions regularly from Caroline over the last 3 years. Caroline is an amazing intuitive healer. She just seems to know exactly what to do to keep the body healthy and in balance. We have had some interesting sessions clearing some deeply rooted issues. I would recommend Body Talk with Caroline for specific issues or just to keep the body balanced.   

The website for all things health and healing is Spiritual Growth Tools


This is such an important topic Caroline, so great you're posting and sharing about this!

So many people have no idea what emotions they have stored inside them, bit like a hidden Pandora's box in us, and they the box bursts open and the emotions erupt out when we least want this to happen!

Releasing stored emotions is really healing for our mind, bodies and spirits! :)

Thank you Michelle. Interesting work we both do!

You're welcome Caroline and yes it is! And very important too! :)