Hahahaha, did you honestly type those tags. I can't stop laughing.
Well, let's see how this experiment will go. I'll come back in a couple of hours to check if I'll find one or two introduction to check out. I'm sure it's gonna be fun.
Now where is my alarm clock. Oh here it is @remind.bot 5 hours
Mentioning and replying to you here on Sat, 07 Jul 2018 10:33:58 GMT to remind you of this post.
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Hey this is cool! Give it a plug!
@lordjames how does the bot work...it leaves a comment after X hours?
You just type the bot name in your comment followed by when you want it to remind you of a particular post or comments. In the following examples I'll separate the @ and the bot name since it's just to show you how it works
@ remind.bot 18 minutes
@ remind.bot 10 hours
@ remind.bot 9 days.
It's very effective because often times I see a post I want to read later or check out in the future. I have never tested to see if it can work for weeks or for months. But it's cool
tks ..but how does it remind you ? replying to the thread at the requested time ?
Yes, that's the idea. It will also mention my user name. Since I use Ginabot for notification when my name is mentioned, I'll get a notification on my phone that I've been mentioned by remind.bot
Pretty simple, isn't it.
Thanks for teaching something new..
it is simple....link me to the Gina Bot thingamajig...please
That is cool! Now many will see it.
@remind.bot 24 hours.
Mentioning and replying to you here on Sun, 08 Jul 2018 05:56:58 GMT to remind you of this post.
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Reminding @whatsup of this post as requested!
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That’s dope
I love using weird tags. I think it annoys some people also... That just adds to my enjoyment.
it's pretty cool, i especially like the "meetup" tag a lot. :)
Reminding @lordjames of this post as requested!
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