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RE: Introduce Yourself In The Comments.. Meet Others and Compare Interests.

in #meetup6 years ago (edited)

I am a noob that writes about alcohol problems regularly. At least I try to blog regularly (that is I do blog unregularly^^). Sometimes I write about games and stuff. I also state opinions on several things. And I always try to make sure that my reasoning is consistent enough to actually publish my opinion.


I've seen some others who write about alcohol addiction recovery! Maybe you will find each other. I've wondered about having 12 step meetings/groups online. I'm a fan of recovery.

What are 12 steps? Is this the Alc Anonymous program? I´ve never visited one of their meetings. I thought about creating a community of people who want to fight an addiction whether it´s alcohol or cigarettes or hard drugs or even slight things like coffeine. Yet it is hard to organize stuff on steemit. And I am only sober since 3 weeks so I don´t really feel qualified lol