Hey, I am just getting into cryptocurrency. I'm slowly understanding the idea, and I have joined coinbase due to lots of recommendations. Coinbase only has a few cryptos though, and not a lot of litecoins.
You are very knowledgeable on this subject so I am curious do you have any recommendations for any other cryptocurrency exchanges that might deal with more altcoins? Dogecoin, Dash, Ripple, coins like these?
Yeah to buy the other currencies I use Bittrex, which is the best multi currency exchange. I use Coinbase to start my crypto and to cash it out for USD. I do all my trading on Bittrex.
Thank you!
New Account Sign Ups
Friday at 10:21
Dear new users:
We have received an enormous number of new account registrations over the past few weeks. We are excited to have so many new users who want to join the Bittrex community. Unfortunately, we have to make a few upgrades to our support and backend systems to handle the increased traffic and load. As such, we have halted new user registrations for the time being. If you already have an account on Bittrex, you will not be affected by this change. Please continue to the log in as you normally do.
To our new users, we will keep you posted on when we open up registration. We apologize for the inconvenience!
The Bittrex Team