MEDUSA IS IN TROUBLE - MEMEing the news - Wasserman Schultz did have sex with that laptop!

in #meme7 years ago

spot the difference meme.jpg

The Clinton minions continue having serious problems with technology, in particular with the deleting functions... Just wait to hear the outcry of the corrupt DNC politicians when they find out you can't delete stuff on the blockchain!!! ;)


Wasserman Schultz Denies Using IT Aide's Laptop. But When Cops Opened It Up, They Saw This Username By Benny Johnson for the Independent Journal Review

This story of Debbie Wasserman Schultz's IT troubles keeps getting more interesting.

On July 25 Wasserman Schultz's IT director, Imran Awan, was arrested attempting to flee the country to Pakistan. Awan had recently attempted to wire $300,000 to Pakistan and was in possession of a bag of cash. He had also left behind a home full of smashed or destroyed servers.

Awan was also the suspect in a criminal investigation for the misuse of congressional computer equipment. Awan had made millions working for dozens of Democratic lawmakers over the years, but Wasserman Schultz was his longest running contract. Wasserman Schultz also kept Awan on her payroll during his growing criminal investigation. He was only finally fired when he was caught attempting to flee the country.

Now the plot thickens...

Continue reading at the Independent Journal Review



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really funny and interesting!

very informative post

Oh my!

very shocking news to change my mind but very interesting.

Shocking, but she will probably get off in more ways than one.......

Very likely indeed... OMG is correct

We always Work for a Better Tomorrow..
But When Tomorrow Comes,
Instead of Enjoying,
We Again Think of a Better Tomorrow!
Let's Have a Better Today...

Nice post,,,,,

Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely to be honest than a clever man, and our politicians take advantage of this prejudice by pretending to be even more stupid than nature made them.

You've been watching waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much Fox "News".

What do you watch? I'm curious

Mainly Stefan Molyneux on Youtube,
You should too, just by saying that I'm watching too much Fox news it likely means you have have been watching too much of the opposite biased cable network news, CNN maybe??

Ohh boy you have no idea how blinded you have been so far... There's a whole new world out there for you waiting to discover, the rabbit hole goes way deeper than the republican or democratic party you have been led to believe represent a choice. It's time for you to take the red pill, there's a lot people like you waking up:

Check it out:

was your response directed at me or the main poster?

Actually, I don't even have cable so NO, haven't watched that ever

that would explain so much...

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Once they start digging into all the loans Imran Awan got and who vouched for him.................Debbie Medusa Schultz...........she will keep getting in deeper and deeper. If she doesn't go to jail there is another Democrat running against her in the primary next year. Hopefully she will be gone either way. I prefer jail for her.

Florida's not smart enough to do the right thing.

She lives in a heavily Democratic district, so it's going to be her.....provided she's not in jail....or her primary opponent.

Tim Canova campaigned hard against her this last go. Wasn't enough.

Sick and tired of this political theater play. I want to see people, especially war criminal Hillary, to be arrested, along with those who were responsible for those who killed Seth Rich!

DNC jobs have become more dangerous than cleaning snake pis or mine clearing in Afganistan

If doing the right thing were in her vocabulary, we wouldn't be stuck with 45. I'm over it and looking to the future. Progressives have their work cut out for them.

I don't understand what her vocabulary has to do with President Trump. She is a know that right?

She did Chair the DNC for a while, so I guess yeah, I know she's a Democrat. I'm pretty politically active, @vaughnjb. I am aware that her bullshit cost the Democrats the election when they forced a losing horse into the nomination. You know that, right?

Yes. I follow politics very closely. The whole DNC is corrupt. She is part of it, but you know who was/is behind the whole thing that happened and probably still has her greedy hands on it all. Hillary. Seriously the Democratic party needs to rid themselves of her and her influence. She is corrupt to the core. I am a conservative. I only identify as a Republican because that is where conservatism is or should be. I live in the middle of the country where you would have a hard time finding many Democrats. And the things they are pushing plus this Antifa, BLM and Resist groups are killing Democrats. They just won't win east of Hollywood and west of Washington D.C. with those groups doing the things they are and with Hillary still visible.

Hold on...did you say that he wired $300K and had a bag of cash on him?

Are you telling me that US dollars were used in something illegal?

I thought only Bitcoin was used in dark matters. Sure they MSM will start calling for the elimination of the USD since it was used for criminal activities and the bag of cash couldnt be tracked. We cant have any one doing things without a trail.

Pablo Escobar used to lose 15% of his Bitcoin from rats every year said no drug dealer ever...

LOL Thanks for the laugh...with the stress of the impending winds, I needed that.

I hope you are holding up well down there? Did you stay or go?

I'm staying, boarded up the house already. We can only pray for mercy on.

My thoughts will remain with you and everyone else down that way.

I am moving inland tomorrow...going towards Orlando. I might be heading right into the eye but it has to be better than being on the beach which is being evacuated anyway.

No where to hide on this one...time for survival.

The further north the weaker it will get, plus Orlando is far from the sea, it's a good move

Yes...the anticipation is it will be somewhere around a 3 by the time it gets up here.

That is still a pretty good punch but at least tolerable. A 5 is tough although you might get is as a 4...

Good morning friend cryptoeagle

Really nice to read about it. do't want to delete my block chain.

sometimes this bad politics irritates

Nice post. Best story. This story of Debbie Wasserman Schultz's IT troubles keeps getting more interesting.

very shocking news but very interesting.......nice post,,,,,,,,,

i think that it is same thing~!

that would explain so much...

very shocking news to change my mind but very interesting

That's not good!!! 😁

lol.. gave me a nice laugh