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RE: MEDUSA IS IN TROUBLE - MEMEing the news - Wasserman Schultz did have sex with that laptop!

in #meme7 years ago

If doing the right thing were in her vocabulary, we wouldn't be stuck with 45. I'm over it and looking to the future. Progressives have their work cut out for them.


I don't understand what her vocabulary has to do with President Trump. She is a know that right?

She did Chair the DNC for a while, so I guess yeah, I know she's a Democrat. I'm pretty politically active, @vaughnjb. I am aware that her bullshit cost the Democrats the election when they forced a losing horse into the nomination. You know that, right?

Yes. I follow politics very closely. The whole DNC is corrupt. She is part of it, but you know who was/is behind the whole thing that happened and probably still has her greedy hands on it all. Hillary. Seriously the Democratic party needs to rid themselves of her and her influence. She is corrupt to the core. I am a conservative. I only identify as a Republican because that is where conservatism is or should be. I live in the middle of the country where you would have a hard time finding many Democrats. And the things they are pushing plus this Antifa, BLM and Resist groups are killing Democrats. They just won't win east of Hollywood and west of Washington D.C. with those groups doing the things they are and with Hillary still visible.