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RE: Swamp Party w/ Killary Clinton, Bubba Bill, & Sen Bernie Sanders AKA "This Old Man"

in #memeitlol7 years ago (edited)

If you can't tell the difference between the policies enacted by Democratic and Republican administrations, you are probably just not paying attention. Perhaps you are insulated from some of the more severe consequences, or maybe you are just too young to remember or understand. Let me simplify it for you. Democrats craft policy that favors the public interest and working families. Republicans craft policy that favors billionaires and corporate polluters. Democrats tax rich people to build schools and hospitals. Republicans tax poor people to pay for prisons and wars.

This is not just an oversimplification, Its also flat out wrong. This is the kind of bs that I thought was true as a freshman in college due to watching the daily show & Colbert

Heres some link showing the collusion between both parties,

Unfortunately, due to an outdated electoral college system distributing unequal voting power to rural voters and red states

You're ridiculous. 3 of the largest states (California, Illinois, NY) are all blue as your avg internet trolls balls, & one of the largest Red states (Texas) is expected to be possibly becoming blue soon, With Florida being a decently sized swing state. Again you're delusional as fuck

I don't know what this "swamp" is that you poor hicks keep babbling about. I would guess you are just regurgitating some old campaign propaganda. If it is in reference to a percieved corruption in American politics

I love how you're so quick to point fingers and judge. First of Im black, feel to call me poor though as i do consider anyone who makes less than a mil a year to be poor and i havent quite made it there yet. As for not knowing what we mean, you explained it perfectly.

Hillary did rig the primary. The people wanted Bernie, but the Democratic establishment had already invested in Hillary. Had they not made this mistake, Sanders would have taken the Democratic nomination, as well as the general election. I could prove this with numbers, but your a Trumpist, so it would be a waste of my time.

Were on the same page here, no need to call names to discredit me because i literally said exactly this


I read the articles you posted, did you? Some of them go into detail as to how Obama enacted policy for clean energy and affordable healthcare. Most of them are just editorials. They represent the opinions of the authors and don't really site specific legislation. With the exception of the nonsensical libertarian piece, most of them are just complaining that Obama campaigned from the left and governed from the center. In that, I agree with them.

Do you know how many people live in California, Illinois, and New York? Do you know how many electoral votes those states have? Can you do math? If you did your homework, you could avoid looking so foolish. Here is a map showing electoral power per citizen, based on population and state electoral vote numbers.

You will note that California, Illinois, and New York have some of the lowest voting power per citizen in the nation. This is intentional. Just like how they gerrymander districts and engage in voter suppression, the Republicans are constantly subverting the will of the majority to protect their billionaire base from the masses. Hillary Clinton won by 3 million votes, yet Trump is given the Presidency. You have to do some real mental gymnastics to come to the conclusion that there's nothing wrong with that.

Being black does not automatically give you a free pass for supporting a racist scumbag like Trump. Historically there have always been cowardly boot-lickers that betray their own to save themselves. I'm Irish/Cherokee descended. My ancestors were victims of slavery, colonialism, and genocide too. I choose to honor them by resisting and opposing the racist and oppressive policies of this administration. I would encourage you to look inward and do likewise. If you think being comfortably middle-class is gonna protect you from Republican policy, you are gravely mistaken. Sucking the wealth out of the middle class, and funneling it to their wealthy campaign contributors is number one on their agenda. Maintaining white supremacy is also big on their agenda. Save your dollars, and lose your wealth to inflation. Invest in the market, and lose your wealth when it crashes. Get a decent job, and lose it all when it gets outsourced overseas. Even if you are clever enough to beat the banksters, you are one traffic stop away from a kkk affiliated police officer deciding that a black man is obviously a drug-dealer if his car is that nice. The bullets in the officers gun don't care if you have almost made a million dollars, and the racist pig holding the gun only sees the color of your skin.
