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RE: I've Been Memed! I Feel So Honored! :)

in #memes6 years ago

588A01B5-5416-4D3D-B9BF-366C9EAD55A3.jpegHey it’s the computer wiz :)

If you’d not been so dickish maybe the community would have helped you out? But no, your high horse gives a better vantage point.

Syndicating a piece of content once to a platform is great, but you then repeat the same content to the same platform it seems.

And all this would have blown over if you didn’t keep beating the dead horse.


Would you like to know why the things you're saying (and what others have said) never actually dawned on me? I'm asking a serious question. Because if you don't care why, then thats your right to not care why and I shouldn't be wasting your time with an explanation.

My guess is that it’s the usual situation where you didn’t spend enough time acclimatising and getting to know the community - which wouldn’t be so bad if you’d just said “my bad” and not leaped to gloves off mode :)

I’d like to know your answer because I’m sure it will come up again.

I'm going to do my best to paraphrase and summarize as much as I can, because I'm sure you don't want to read a book anymore than I wish to write one.

There seems to be a common human myth that there is such a thing as common sense, and that myth seems prevalent around here. The idea that all humans are supposed to view reality in exactly the same way, resulting in the "ignorance is no excuse" and "well you should have known better because anybody would have known that" sort of response.

I didn't have the chance to say "my bad" because every single question I'd ask was responded to with contempt, dismissal or both. In fact the video I made was a result of a constant refusal for my questions to be answered, as if I should somehow magically know already. Then later to have it thrown in my face "you're a newbie to steemit and you need to research more" yeah well no duh. Not only did I never deny that, but people around here (mostly Lord Voldemort if you understand the "he who shall not be named" Harry Potter reference) just kept tossing me the whole "don't act like you didn't know" card. Well, I didn't know. After a while of trying to ask question after question after question while receiving nothing but contempt and dismissal, I think anyone would "take the gloves off" as you call it.

But really, what you call "taking the gloves off" I just call being honest about how I viewed the situation. I even told Lord Voldemort that I was not calling him a sociopath to be mean or out of anger or hatred, that it was merely an honest assessment of how he was acting based on my own life experiences and knowledge of psychology. As I also have said many times: and I still stand by that.

All I've really seen around here from the "popular crowd" is the "if you don't see it my way, you're retarded" sort of attitude. I see no interest in people actually wanting to understand how I genuinely view the situation. Every time I try to be honest about it, I get told that its not how I truly view it because "common sense" and "anybody would know" so on and so on.

Now as I've already stated, even before this situation hit me like a freight train -- I had heard via third party on deviantART and other places, that all of this stuff was going on. In my own ignorance, I dismissed it as them merely being paranoid of something new because they didn't understand it. I mean I didn't pull a Lord Voldemort when I dismissed them, I was being nice about it. However seeing as I did dismiss them, I do feel it is kind of "karma" that I was being dismissed by people here. What goes around, comes around and all of that.

Of course people here don't seem to want to imagine that there are people outside of steemit saying "no way I'm making an account there!" because they see just how nuts this situation is and they want no part of the Lord Voldemort drama. It seems to them that to even suggest that other humans might view things differently than the "popular humans" here is not only blasphemy, but utterly laughable. As if they're being told that the tooth fairy is real or something.

Lord Voldemort never tried to set me straight. He was mocking and dismissing from second one, all the way up to the last. So if my responding appropriately to that sort of attitude is me being a dick or whatever then cool, I'll own that label without issue.

If you truly can see things from my perspective (even if you still disagree with me, at least just understanding where I am coming from) -- if all of the sudden your posts were being censored and flagged and you were getting accused of violating rules that don't exist, only for the bot owner to start rubbing it in your face and refusing to answer any questions, and you didn't even know he owned part of the Steemit infrastructure: what would your response have been in my situation if you were me?

Lets pretend for a moment that all of these invisible rules that you also seem to deem as "common sense that anyone would know about without them needing to be listed" -- lets pretend you're me and so they aren't common sense and none of it dawned on you. From that perspective, how would you have responded if you were me? Would you have been like "hey cool thats awesome just mock and dismiss me while crippling my account and refusing to answer my questions because you know, thats totally what I deem to be cordial etiquette!" ... or might you have a very different reaction?

You can think I'm stupid for viewing things as I do, if you want. I am completely fine with that. But if you truly wish to understand, then consider that maybe I'm not making this up. That maybe, this is how I actually view the situation. No deception. No tricks. That I truly view it this way. Think I'm as dumb as you wish if it helps you out to do so. But just consider it, and maybe you'll begin to understand.

Ok I hear you.

I think I might crowd source a not frequently asked questions list - a what you don’t know you need to know guide.

I’ve made mistakes myself and I was flagged for it so I do have some empathy for your situation
