
You really need to educate yourself on the difference between fair use and plagiarism. Again, you were blacklisted for spam not plagiarism, but keep riding that horse.


The only thing magical is the irony of you wearing a "Computer Wiz" shirt and having no clue what you are talking about and apparently zero understanding of Steem(it).

Awe, how cute. I didn't even tag you and you took special interest in me all by yourself. I'm absolutely complimented. No seriously, thats not even sarcasm.

Just for fun, I'm going to state the obvious again as I have stated it before.

I didn't say I was blacklisted for plagiarism or theft, I've simply referenced that when you originally accused me of both, that your "evidence" you presented was screen shots of my own content.

Next -- I keep asking you why your invisible rules differ from the Steemit FAQ. As you said, I did not know much about Steemit (I quickly got the crash course with this situation though) and as I also had admitted to many, many times. Which was part of my main point.

When I originally asked you who are you? When I asked are you a co-owner of Steemit? When I asked you where you get your authority from -- those are newbie questions, in case you hadn't noticed. So acting as if I never admitted that I was a newbie to Steemit is kind of cute. :)

You could have just explained who you were, and that would have solved my "magical powers" inquiry (which was sarcasm on my part phrasing it that way in the video) but what fun would that have been for you? I mean lets be honest -- giving newbies a hard time is much more entertaining than answering their questions.

I also find it amusing that you directly correlate "new to Steemit" as being synonymous with "new to computers". No techie is fluent with every single piece of technology that exists. Nice try though.

I've already said that the only thing I've accused you of is being a sociopath. I still stand by that.

You also have a strange definition of spam. Posting to one's own profile, is spamming. You might want to add the 7 to 8 posts per day limit into the FAQ. I won't hold my breath waiting, though. Lets see how many more new users fall into the same trap I did. Sounds like it makes the Steemit experience more exciting that way, right? :)

how cute. I didn't even tag you and you took special interest in me

You really are showing your ignorance

Do you think you need the @ in front of the name?

Posting to your own profile duplicate content is bad by anyone’s definition. Doesn’t matter who’s it is, after the first cross-post of a piece it ceases to be syndicated and becomes duplication on that channel.

If “it’s not against the specific written platform rules” is your best defence you’ve already lost.

No matter how many times I admit being new to Steemit, that doesn't seem to matter. lol

"You really are showing your ignorance" ... yeah as if I ever claimed to not be ignorant? Interesting.

Cross-posting between platforms is actually a very common theme on the Internet at large. A practice not only widely done, but outright encouraged and not considered as spamming. So I guess we both have a very different view of what the word "anyone" means.

Seeing as you apparently know a lot more about this platform than I do, I'll ask you this:

What is the point of having an @ in front of someone's name, if merely mentioning someone's name in text is going to send them a notification anyways? On all of the other platforms I've been on, the person doesn't get notified unless a person is specifically tagged.

Thats the way it works on Facebook, deviantART and most other places.

"If “it’s not against the specific written platform rules” is your best defence you’ve already lost."

YouTube has this same exact line of thinking. For example, their community guidelines are incredibly convoluted and things such as for example "hate speech" is not clearly defined. So someone makes a video say for example just with general commentary about a particular political stance or whatever, and the video gets flagged and taken down for "hate speech".

From YouTube's perspective, it should be obvious to the end user as to why what they said is hate speech. But the reality of it is, humans all view things differently. One person's hate speech is another person's harmless commentary.

Also just like recently with the whole Count Dankula situation, he was criminally prosecuted for "making fun of nazis". The judge admits that "context is irrelevant" and that reality simply is what the judge says it is. So I view what you are saying as being a very similar sentiment. You can disagree with me and think I'm dumb if you want, but I view "you should have known better because anyone would know better" as an extremely weak argument.

588A01B5-5416-4D3D-B9BF-366C9EAD55A3.jpegHey it’s the computer wiz :)

If you’d not been so dickish maybe the community would have helped you out? But no, your high horse gives a better vantage point.

Syndicating a piece of content once to a platform is great, but you then repeat the same content to the same platform it seems.

And all this would have blown over if you didn’t keep beating the dead horse.

Would you like to know why the things you're saying (and what others have said) never actually dawned on me? I'm asking a serious question. Because if you don't care why, then thats your right to not care why and I shouldn't be wasting your time with an explanation.

My guess is that it’s the usual situation where you didn’t spend enough time acclimatising and getting to know the community - which wouldn’t be so bad if you’d just said “my bad” and not leaped to gloves off mode :)

I’d like to know your answer because I’m sure it will come up again.

This user is on the @buildawhale blacklist for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Spam
  • Plagiarism
  • Scam or Fraud