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RE: Memoir Monday #26 (9/2-9/8) - How do you think the world will be different in 30 years?

in #memoirmonday6 months ago

Brother, it will basically be the same as far as people are concerned. A new PC, ‘smarter’ mobile phones, more threadbare internet. Abusive governments and hungry people, that hasn't changed in 1000 years of history. I don't think I'll be alive by then…

Maybe I'll write something about it… Blessings in the distance.


I really hope it's not just more of the same. If anything, this prompt has opened up the imagination to new and different possibilities. Blessings to you as well! Thank you!

Certainly... But one thing is what I would like the future to be like in thirty years' time, and quite another what has accompanied history over the last thousand years. I'll be watching to see what utopias or dystopias users write about.