Memoir Monday #26 (9/2-9/8) - How do you think the world will be different in 30 years?

in #memoirmonday6 months ago (edited)



/ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation. Usually memoirs. an account of one's personal life and experiences; autobiography. the published record of the proceedings of a group or organization, as of a learned society.

The prompt for week 26 of Memoir Monday has landed and it’s a little different from past prompts, quite literally. This requires you to project your imagination into the future instead of digging into the past but if you’re anything like me it’ll be no less fun. This one might teach you more about yourself than you think. Have fun with it! As always, thanks for your participation.

Memoir Monday has grown so much that I won’t be able to comment on everyone’s posts anymore (and get my own work done) but I’ll still be supporting your posts with reblogs, votes, and shares on my other social media accounts (X, Facebook, etc.).

For all of those who’ve regularly participated in Memoir Monday - keep going, you’re making great progress in chronicling your very own life story for future generations to enjoy.

For those who missed the inaugural post explaining what the Memoir Monday initiative is all about you can find it here.

Now for next week’s Memoir Monday prompt:

How do you think the world will be different in 30 years?

My answer:

When I sat down to answer this prompt the thing that struck me first is I find it strange to be thinking thirty years into a future that I may not even be a part of. At fifty-three years of age that is just a reality.

With the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence and humanoid robots, among many other advances, I think we are at the precipice of an entirely new phase of humanity. This will be an Industrial Revolution 4.0 and it will eclipse any of the previous ones that came before it in ways that will be difficult to anticipate. Depending on the decisions being made now this could either make the world in three decades a very dystopian one or usher in an unprecedented new golden age for our species.

Our current world is already steeped in enough negativity as it is so I’ll take the utopian path…here it goes.

Where to begin? It’s 2054. Starting in 2026 AI began quickly solving a lot of the prickly and persistent problems that human intelligence didn’t have the capacity to. There were hiccups but these were overcome. In the past thirty years diseases have been eradicated, world hunger has been solved, a new class of physics has been discovered by AI that has made the modern world look more like Star Trek than reality, especially to us octogenarians.

You know what? We finally got flying cars and these drones operate themselves. We just call a car (I’m not sure why we still call them that, habit I suppose) and it arrives to whisk us away in a few minutes. This eliminates the need for maintaining all of the expensive and unsightly infrastructure that traditional cars required. No more potholes! Supersonic mag-lev trains connect cities and are used for any trip longer than an hour. Next, “spooky action at a distance” in practical form. For longer distance travel tele-portals allow us to instantaneously teleport from almost any two points on the planet. These tele-portals have been installed in every old airport in the world and airplanes and runways are a thing of the past. Traveling this way is very weird at first but you get used to it quickly. There’s really nothing I miss about air travel.

As it turns out Nikola Tesla was correct about almost everything and is now celebrated as one of the greatest humans to have ever lived. All of the secrets that the human elite had kept from the general public for hundreds of years are made available in their entirety as a masterclass for everyone to view at their discretion. Let me tell you, some of these secrets will absolutely blow your minds. Let’s just say quite a bit of those conspiracy theories were spot on and true reality is something few can even conceptualize in 2024.

We've had thriving human colonies on Mars and the moon for well over a decade. We also have open contact with not only beings from other planets but also beings from other dimensions. In 2042, Earthbound humans were accepted into a galactic coalition of other intergalactic and inter-dimensional civilizations, many of which are millions of years older than us. As it turns out they had been observing us for an eternity but decided we were finally civilized enough to initiate open contact and accepted us into their coalition on a kind of, “getting to know you basis” that will last at least another century. After this, we have a seat at their table and can join them traveling the universes observing and sometimes assisting the evolution of other primitive intelligent species. They've taught us that all life is expansive, by its very definition and is abundant almost everywhere.

Unlimited, free energy is available to everyone on the planet. Every human, when they turn eighteen has the choice to become augmented giving them massively increased brain power and a host of enhanced senses, or remain a full bio-human.

Today roughly three quarters of the population choose augmentation because they feel it gives them more opportunities and an substantially better quality of life. Due to sensory limitations, non-aug humans (or bio-humans) can only experience about twelve percent of their observable physical world.

Augmented humans are connected by a kind of neural net and communicate mostly through a form telepathy that makes it nearly impossible to lie. As a result, communication has become instant, much more direct, and transparent. In the last decade corruption, crime, and aggression have been eradicated from the aug-class.

Most work is handled in aug-communities by A.I. and robots but humans can choose to work if they wish but not for money. Universal basic income provides for a life of abundance for everyone. A.I. has designed a perfectly balanced new economy with digital currency that doesn’t fall victim to the perils of past economies like inflation. It’s now widely accepted that a human’s primary goal is to learn about and work on their own mental, spiritual, and physical health. Human life has been extended to a consistent and predictable 120 years and each person has a chance to make peace with and prepare for the inevitable. It’s been scientifically proven that physical death isn’t the end of life so it’s not feared or cloaked in sadness as it once was.

In childhood extensive testing is done to assess a person’s strengths and weaknesses. Each individual then designs a life plan for themselves that will heal them from countless centuries of generational trauma. Once healed, people then have a chance to contribute to society, or not, in any way they wish. The only rule is to do no harm to anyone else. The highest goal is to live an optimal life, whatever the individual decides this is. Human creativity and expression is valued and appreciated now more than ever.

Bio-humans are increasingly living amongst themselves in closed, self-sufficient communities outside of the cities because they find it nearly impossible to coexist side-by-side with augmented humans. The aug-class accepts bio-humans but sometimes view them as unruly, illogical, and unpredictable. These two splinters of humanity are peacefully coexisting at the moment but do so for the most part at a distance.

Based on our known history, in 2054, the world is in what most people would consider to be a better balance than it ever has been. Life isn’t perfect but it’s closer to perfection now than any of us can imagine. There’s so much more but that’s about all I can share at the moment, you’ll see for yourself soon enough. You can’t even imagine the things you’re going to experience. Things might seem bleak now but the most important thing is to never, ever, give up hope of a better tomorrow and work towards building it. This matters more than you know.

(Gif sourced from

Rules of Engagement

  1. Please reblog this first post and share on other social platforms so we cast the widest net possible for this initiative;
  2. Pictures paint a thousand words. Include pictures in your posts if you have them;
  3. Answer each Memoir Monday prompt question in your own post. If possible, the prompt question will be published in the week prior so you'll have the entire week to answer and publish your own post;
  4. Have fun with it, don't worry about getting behind, or jumping into the project at any point after we've begun; and
  5. Lastly, be sure to include the tag #memoirmonday.

It's that simple.

At the end of the next twelve months we'll have created something immensely valuable together. It's so important to know our "whys" in life and there's no better way to do that than this.

Someday all that will be left of our existence are memories of us, our deeds, and words. It's up to you to leave as rich of a heritage as possible for future generations to learn from. So, go ahead, tell your stories. I can't wait to read them.

Be well and make the most of this day. I want to sincerely thank all of the participants thus far. I've really enjoyed reading your posts!

~Eric Vance Walton~

(All photos are original.)

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Brother, it will basically be the same as far as people are concerned. A new PC, ‘smarter’ mobile phones, more threadbare internet. Abusive governments and hungry people, that hasn't changed in 1000 years of history. I don't think I'll be alive by then…

Maybe I'll write something about it… Blessings in the distance.

I really hope it's not just more of the same. If anything, this prompt has opened up the imagination to new and different possibilities. Blessings to you as well! Thank you!

Certainly... But one thing is what I would like the future to be like in thirty years' time, and quite another what has accompanied history over the last thousand years. I'll be watching to see what utopias or dystopias users write about.

It is obvious that AI will replace us in many fields, some of them will be crucial to us like production. The world will face different diseases like Monkeypox as today.

I've been doing research over the last year for a book I'm writing on AI and the combination of AI/Robotics will force so many other changes people aren't thinking of. You're totally right about diseases! They will continue to evolve.

I don't know my friend, if the future is as utopic as you say, there is a good chance you might still be around. Humans live to be hundreds of years old and disease is virtually eradicated... It doesn't seem like too far of a stretch especially given the pace at which technology is advancing. Have you ever read or watched Altered Carbon? That idea of "stacks" is mind blowing to me. This is a really good prompt. I bet you continue to get some great responses. I just want you to know I do feel a bit bad that I haven't fully participated in these, it's not because I don't think it's a great idea or believe in it. I just have my own stack of content I am working through right now.

You never know! Our genes regulate the rate in which we age and if we can change this there is virtually zero limits on lifespan. Even still I see the collective society imposing some kind of "optimal" lifespan for society and for the planet. I've never watched Altered Carbon but it sounds like it would be right up my alley. No worries about not participating. I can understand being busy with other things. I feel bad that I can't respond to everyone's posts. I try my best to read them but there just aren't enough hours in my day to respond to them all consistently. I hope people are experiencing the value in this nonetheless.

I think the fact that people continue to participate proves the value of it both for them and for you. I never read the books, but I watched the Netflix series. You really need to check it out. It makes you start thinking things for sure. I won't talk about it so I don't ruin it for you. :)

I really hope Memoir Monday is adding value to people's lives and to the community.

I'm a huge fan of the sci-fi genre, mainly because it gives us food for thought. It's hard to shape the future if we can't picture some version of it in our imaginations. Altered Carbon will be making it on our playlist. Thanks for the suggestion.


I hope I can live to experience all the good that is coming for the world. I read the title and I was already imagining the dystopian things I was going to write, but your idea caught me, seduced me: certainly, why don't we better imagine an advanced, good, wonderful world. Then I will write in a utopian way. They say that you have to attract things and things are attracted not only by the spoken word, but also by the thought and especially by the written word. Perhaps this exercise will serve to manifest the world that we want, that we need. I am going to have fun doing this. I hope you have an excellent evening, my friend. I embrace you tightly

I really believe that, Nancy! The nature our inner thoughts coalesce to manifest in our outer reality. When that finally clicked for me I started seeing some great changes. I can't wait to read your entry and hope you're having a wonderful week! This is already our last "unofficial" weekend of summer in the upper Midwest. After Labor Day weekend the weather turns cold quickly.

Good morning, friend. Around here the weather is humid and hot and it should surely stay that way until December. As for attracting with our thoughts, I hope you can come to know the free and wonderful Venezuela that will return next year and that when it is cold in your city, you can come to the beaches here and get a tan, take vitamin C, walk barefoot on the sand, have a cold beer, meet many Venezuelan people that I have seen that like me, follow you on Hive and are making memories of Mondays. Declared

I really hope we can make that happen! We've only explored as far south as Mexico, it would be great to experience Venezuela! It sounds amazing.

The world is developing very fast. In just one year, many changes have occurred. Especially in thirty years. As the world moves fast, our age also continues. Have a nice day, Eric.

So true. Even Moore's Law will be sped up in the age of AI. Enjoy your day, Eliana!

Well I will say one of the things I have really come to discover about this world is the fact that it keeps evolving and evolving at a very fast pace

I am so sure that in the next 30 year, the world will have changed and who knows probably the people will start having robots as friends and colleagues

We'll definitely have robot personal assistants and caregivers for the elderly and disabled. Tesla's Optimus will be on the market in about three years at around $12K (USD).


Here I leave my controversial vision of a future that may be upon us thirty years from now, but perhaps I will not live to tell the tale.

Click on the title and it will take you to my entry. Blessings to all and as the saying goes ‘God will catch us in the act’.

I love that your entry focused on what we call here in Venezuela “keeping our feet on the ground”. We let ourselves be marveled by computers, screens, cell phones and the internet, while time marches on and we die sedentary. You are right in arguing that in 1000 years of history, despite technological advances, the powerful have always been powerful and we are walking with bare feet.

!gifs well done

Around 1967, grade 8 an essay in English was required on fifty years from the date, would have put us at 2017.

Responses were stunning, flying cars was one mentioned often not such a new thought after all! High rise buildings another with landing portals on roof tops.

Consider we had no TV, reading was our source of information, this lead to many Jules Verne books being the most popular at the time in sci-fi.

Science fiction may become science fact there are no boundaries to human thinking and imagination.

Haha, those flying cars have been promised for a very long time! I can't imagine them being impossible unless they operated themselves. Whenever I see video footage of Dubai or some Asian cities it looks a lot like the future that was being predicted when I was a child in the 1970's. That's not so much the case in America. Speaking of sci-fi, Star Trek has had a pretty decent track record when it comes to predictions.

Some strive toward futuristic looking technological life as mentioned in Star Trek. All could backfire and we end up going backward repeating scorched-earth starting over again.

Predicting which trajectory we end up on, not easy as we sit in an uncomfortable world where people are being failed by current leaders.

Yes, I could have gone down a very dark road with this prompt but chose, instead, to have a little fun with it. The western world is not on a good trajectory right now. I hope we can recover from this malestrom of hate and division against each other and focus on all the things we actually need to to change our situation for the better.

My head spins simply thinking of the illogical way things have panned out over the last few years, a ship sailing without a north star for sure.

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I love the approach you have given to your imagination, especially thinking positively about how things will be in the future, I love the idea that people are much better off, having an almost ideal life
Have a lovely afternoonHow are you, dear friend @ericvancewalton, good afternoon

Yeah, the world is getting smarter than you can't almost detect which ones are real it gives me goosebumps!

This is not going to be easy Eric!
Your response could only have been written by an author with a very vivid imagination. Your future sounds a little scary and exciting at the same time!

Let's hope that the leaders in power will do something to save this world and not seek to move us elsewhere. AI can help humanity a lot, good things will surely come with that.
There are more of us good guys.
Good luck with your book, I hope you get a lot of information.