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RE: Memoir Monday #29 (9/23-9/29) - How would you describe your parents' relationship?

in #memoirmonday5 months ago (edited)

Absolutely! I think psychedelic therapy would have really helped. Things like psilocybin, ketamine, and DMT are being used in wonderful ways to heal people from past trauma. Yes, I can't imagine how tough this was on my mom when we were young. She carried a monumental amount on her shoulders, I see that now that I'm an adult. I think her faith is what got her through it. We talk about it now, I speak with her at least twice a day on the phone. Thanks Nancy! Thankfully, both my brother and I have largely healed from it. I had relationships when I was younger where I tried too hard, gave away too much of myself, and made too many sacrifices...emulating what I saw in my parent's marriage. I still do this sometimes but at least I'm aware of it and have become better at setting boundaries. I hope you are having a wonderful week!


I once read, Eric, about the desirability and inconvenience of losing your memory. In that article, about the movie Memento by Christopher Nolan, the author talked about how the human being manages to block some memories that can be painful and that many of the diseases involving memory, may be linked to that need to erase, unconsciously, “things” of life. I am not saying that this is the case of your father, but I remembered how some passages of our life can hurt us and we try not to let this damage affect our loved ones.
This way we are fine. Even with X blocked, with heat, but fine. A big hug and take care of yourself