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RE: Memoir Monday #34 (10/28-11/3) - What things are you proudest of in your life?

in #memoirmonday4 months ago

Namaste Sir @ericvancewalton,

I’ve stayed true to myself without compromising my morals or values. Success feels so much sweeter when you can enjoy it with a clear conscience

That's the quintessence of life Sir. There are many advrse situations and prolonged challenges in which which tease us to give up our morals and take unethical means, but eventually we corrupt our soul by doing so, and no matter how high we go, our success can not inspire our inner self/being. A victory would feel like a defeat.

My curiosity about both my inner and outer world drives me

You are more lively. That's what our life should be. We can not afford to make it dormant.

Thank you Sir.

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