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RE: Memoir Monday #27 (9/9-9/15) - What is your best relationship advice?

in #memoirmonday6 months ago

Hey, we are getting into an interesting, deep and diverse topic, Eric. I have understood that everyone loves differently (someone would say that people love the way they loved when they were little). I agree with every single piece of advice you wrote in this post. And while it is true that relationships do not have a magic formula, a recipe to make them perfect, it is also true that there are “ingredients” necessary for the relationship to “grow” as all wonderful things grow: flowers, breads, trees. They say that he who does not listen to advice does not grow old or does not have a healthy relationship. hahaha. See you this Monday. Have a nice Wednesday, my friend!


Thank you Nancy! "...there are “ingredients” necessary for the relationship to “grow”... That's an excellent way to put it. It takes the effort of both people too. Listening to advice is very important if we want to evolve. I know with the older generations, the males especially, had a tough time with this. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week my friend! The weekend is almost on our doorstep again.