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RE: Memoir Monday #29 (9/23-9/29) - How would you describe your parents' relationship?

in #memoirmonday5 months ago

He didn't even know who my mom was some days but he got to spend his last years in his own home and my mom took amazing care of him through all of those ups and downs. They were together for over a half a century

We are kind of seeing the same scene now at my home, though Dad is not that bad and having mild Dementia. They are also together for over half a century and Dad does recognize everything but at times behaves what he thinks is right.


I'm very sorry to hear your father is going through that. It's so challenging. Have you been tested for the gene? My brother and I both carry it. It doesn't mean that we'll develop dementia but we're more likely to than the average person. Diet and lifestyle can better your odds of developing dementia even if you have the gene so it's helpful to know sooner rather than later.

No, we have not tested for gene, we will just face whatever comes our way. We are not likely to survive this long, but who knows !!