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RE: Dealing with Depression

in #mentalhealth7 years ago

Bravo @eriluks for this beautiful and honestly raw post. As someone who is not fond of letting others in, I know how hard it can be to just talk about your emotions, much less put it online for the whole world to see. I love that despite feeling that portraying a "perfect" life would help to gain you a following, you've chosen instead to be honest about yourself. I think there are many people in the Steemit community who would agree with me when I say that this just shows more of the beautiful person that you are. Forget "perfect" - you're real and that's infinitely better in my book. I hope one day you will be able to look back on these things as a source of strength. You are genuinely inspiring and you should be proud of yourself!


Thank you so much for this lovely post @imprimateur , I was a bit ashamed of having this online at first but I just wanted to be honest and not seem like someone I'm not. Its comments like yours that make me feel like posting this was worthwhile and I've received a lot of comments from lovely people here that can relate and understand what I'm talking about which makes it a lot easier. In my darkest days I had no hope for people and didn't trust anyone at all, but I can see now that there ARE nice people in the world :)

You should never be ashamed to be you! I'm glad to have played this little part in your journey =)